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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

I also face with the same problem. My box dead 4 days ago and I kept trying to recover back my box. Its stuck ast the same step with Marl_B.
Using Rs232 to USB, with windows 7 and using Com 14 as port. Same with windows detection.
Hi all newbie to this. Need help my v8s openbox is stuck on load. I Made a null modem cable and tried the tool but just get "initialize stb sdram is failed". I have tried it on XP and windows 7 in every way poss. The last thing I can think is that the cable should be a full handshake one and the one I made isn't. Would this solve the problem. Hope someone can help thanks
You need the correct RS232 crossover null modem cable plus the ali3511 erom upgrade tool, you also need to download file No81 from Downloads.
It's also worth checking the psu [plug and lead] as these very often deteriorate with use.
If using a laptop you will need the null modem cable plus a prolific usb adapter.
hi you would either have to use a rs-323 cable which will get it out of the problem as the box is bricked if it stays in 'load' for a long time do anything also i would recommend watching a video on how to recover this
Hi everyone I used AJ list last week which bricked my box - stuck on load. So now I am using a USB and RS 232 cable and have tried various firmware and it seemed to be working but at the last stage it just loads to 097 and then resets itself - its in a loop. I tried the firmware off skybox - the other sites seem to have disappeared? Please can anybody help?

F5S failed at the weekend. Dodgy power supply but it has left the box (with a new power supply) showing a dim red light AND a dimly lit - segment in the first 8 after the :.

I've tried refreshing, but always get sub memory error. Tried multiple times, with a switch on the PSU (rather pushing in/out the connector).

Is it recoverable, or is this one of the 99% impossible to fix.

Your box is a clone----I have clone files---what model.

Thanks after many attempts with lots of firmware I finaly got it working with one of your files in a recent post. Many thanks! The only problem now is that my ccam is saying log in! So I cannot watch anything. This is so frustrating - whenever you update the firmware the ccam goes offline/ says log in. Is that true for everyone else?

F5S failed at the weekend. Dodgy power supply but it has left the box (with a new power supply) showing a dim red light AND a dimly lit - segment in the first 8 after the :.

I've tried refreshing, but always get sub memory error. Tried multiple times, with a switch on the PSU (rather pushing in/out the connector).

Is it recoverable, or is this one of the 99% impossible to fix.


Dim red light and a figure 8 on the box is the sign of death on these boxes.
The chip has failed and cannot be recovered.
Check that dhcp is on then reboot router and box.

Thanks but This is one of the first things I tried. I guess when you reflash the box or update the firmware the supplier that looks after the server will block it their end. It still says log in .... very annoying. Any ideas? I've contacted the supplier who is ignoring my emails ....
Hi everybody,
have the same problem as cymro, skybox f5 continuously loading in a loop. Tried many firmwares that can be found on the net, but still no result. Probably it is a clone one. Can anybody help with a firmware for cloned F5? Thanks...
Hi everybody,
have the same problem as cymro, skybox f5 continuously loading in a loop. Tried many firmwares that can be found on the net, but still no result. Probably it is a clone one. Can anybody help with a firmware for cloned F5? Thanks...
Sometimes the power cable can be the culprit, changing it worked for me

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Thaks MrCeez for your advice, but it is not the power cable. The mentioned Skybox F5 is bought from China, all cables and software prepared to change the firmware through RS232 only I need an exact firmware for the cloned version of F5. Thanks again.
Darn, I thought I read somewhere that a dim red light & fig 8 could be recovered. I picked up a couple of boxes with this problem. One box also has the red light and - instead of 8. I was hoping to find erom tool 2.1.0, any help whre I can find this version?
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