Thanks, going to give this thread a try on F5s Box
I dont seem to be able to get past Sychronising STBS... please reset target
Tried several diff upgrade tools and loads of diff abs files
Any advice welcomed, Sky F5S, when switched on just displays LOAD, using Windows 10 with prolific USB
Have exactly the same problem as cravune above. Tried lots of tools and COM settings, tried on Windows 10 and Windows XP but still no joy, can't get past 'Synchronising STBs... Please reset target!'
Using USB->RS232 and RS232 null modem cable on OpenBox F5s.
Any help appreciated.
Yeah tried two different HDMI cables. all 4 ports on the TV and two in the bedroom. Just figured if it was an easy fix with a cable and a re-flash it'll be about £25 back
Cloned skybox Fix/Stuck on Loop 0-97 SKYBOX F5S
***Hi have had a few issues with people asking me to sort boxes out as they stuck in loop 0-97 all have been SKYBOX F5s and have been cloned boxes, I did have a problem with finding the cloned firmware but have located AT
Please... if your box says file mismatch when trying to update firmware via usb it is a cloned box, and if you update via a null moden cable and it it get stuck on loop 0-97 it is probably a cloned box try re-installing the cloned firmware on the link above... If your box says file mismatch don't try anything else just leave it as it is or buy another one
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