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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 72 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

i have read through the post and thought i was doing the right thing, hence my question above. i was using a laptop with a com port, i have now dug my pc out the loft to try the port on there as i know that one works as i used it for other stuff, not sure if safe to mention here. i cant remember what was on the front of the skybox, but now it is blank but the ethernet light flashes when the lead is plugged in. i have already got a new box and just want to see if this one can be fixed before i put it in the bin. if it works then its going in the kids room
thanks reaper for the clone files im sure my f5 wasnt a clone but the real files give me the stb memory error so ill give yours a try

---------- Post Merged at 10:00 PM ----------

well tried the clone files and the original ones and still no luck... all i get is the 'set stb memory error'
ive also tried so many different erom tools
ive set up the erom tool and the correct port and pressed next... waited 3mins and plugged in the power but still get the error

all the skybox f5 does is sit there with the red light and faint 8
is it bin time or can it be fixed???

---------- Post Merged at 10:00 PM ----------

well tried the clone files and the original ones and still no luck... all i get is the 'set stb memory error'
ive also tried so many different erom tools
ive set up the erom tool and the correct port and pressed next... waited 3mins and plugged in the power but still get the error

all the skybox f5 does is sit there with the red light and faint 8
is it bin time or can it be fixed???
i have pb with skybox f5 error 001
any help tks
Join the growing crowd, with you and everyone else! Lol! All the answers are within these 141+ pages, go through them carefully to find the solution and correct FW to reinstall in your box to get it working again. That's what I had to do as well, like alot of other people. The good news is your at the right place for your solutions. :-D

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Thank you, once i found the correct firmware it worked a treat.... however, I am back to the original problem of the server I am trying to connect to is offline.
hi ive been trying for days to sort my boxes out ive got a v5 and a v8s both just say load on the front ive just got the rs232 usb cable today tried again but still cant get past the synchronizing stbs screen really frustrating please help
Try using a new or different psu.
What are you using---pc or laptop?
What windows---xp,7,8 or 10.
Ensure you are using correct erom upgrade tool for each box as they are different.
Lastly ensure correct null modem cable and usb prolific adapter [if using laptop]
hi im using windows 7 pc and ive theres that many people saying use this tool and download this its so confusing cant get it to say done when syncronizing stbs do you need box connected to internet and can you tell me the exact errom tool and firmware for each getting to my wits end here there lucky they havent been smashed up yet lol

---------- Post Merged at 01:49 PM ----------

ill try and sow you what im using
You need to download the erom upgrade tool for V5s and the erom tool for the V8s [2 separate downloads] then you need the latest firmware for the v5s and the latest for the v8s.
All files are available at Downloads.
Note that firmware for the V5s is same as F5s.

It work
Posting in case my experience helps anyone else.

I managed to brick my box by not fully removing my previous channel list of my F5S box before adding a new channel list. This caused my box to display the message 'aSH'. I couldn't do anything. I then managed to stumble across this forum via Google and followed the original post in this thread - after buying the RS232 Null Modem Cable I them proceded to follow the instructions using the files which are made available in the original post.

On running the Erom update I kept getting the "Wrong File error" - I immediately presumed I had a cloned box and then went on to download all the various clone firmware which are mentioned throughout the entire thread. Still no luck. I then located another version of the Erom Update Software and thought maybe there was an issue with the original software. Ran the new software and followed the instructions, progress was made, I now managed to get my box to stop displaying 'aSH' and was now at least trying to load. Going from L001 but then stopping at L093, before displaying the E001 Error.

It turns out I was still using the wrong firmware. Luckily i complained to the supplier of my box about it being 'faulty' and they sent me a new one. So the first thing I did when the new one arrived was to backup the firmware and channel list to USB. I then used this copy of the firmware on the original 'faulty' box and hey presto the box is now working again! Excellent.

I don't know why all the different types of firmware I tried didn't work, but this one sure did.

I've attached the Erom Client which worked for me along with the backup of the firmware in the hope it helps someone else out, I know how frustrating this can be!

The information on my SkyBox F5S is as follows:

Main Chip: ALI3601 HD
OEM ID: 0001
Peripheral unit: RS232, CA Slot> NET, GPRS
Display Mode: FULL HD
Memory Size: DDR2, 128M
Software Ver: M6_HD__27_03_2013_0794
Hi All I am having problems with my F5 Skybox, I have update the firmware but it keeps resetting at L097.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
F5 Skybox stuck on Load

I am trying to update the firmware but so far no success, does anyone know where I can get the latest firmware for a F5 skybox?
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