the reaper
VIP Member
I have a similar problem one box faded 8 a F5s and one a red light a F5 -Is there any hope- will try the link above if it allows me!
Say farewell and give both a nice funeral---they're dead.
I have a similar problem one box faded 8 a F5s and one a red light a F5 -Is there any hope- will try the link above if it allows me!
If you made a backup before hand, see if you can do an image restore from your USB Flash Drive; try all of the images if you don't remember which one it is. Not the .abs files, but the other ones. Otherwise you will have to rescan from scratch. I messed up my Skybox before scanning in many channels, so it was no big deal for me to start over. I made a backup before before updating the F/ do i get all my channels back?
Are you looking for the Clone version, or the Genuine version? The Genuine version is at look carefully to make sure your on the correct link for your skybox. The clone version is found within one of these threads.Thanks guys very useful thread. I can't however seem to find the file for the F5 firmware upgrade Can somebody please help or send me a link.
Thanks guys very useful thread. I can't however seem to find the file for the F5 firmware upgrade Can somebody please help or send me a link.
Oh, ok. I wonder why the little display doesn't show STRT in that case, pretty confusing. Thanks for the corrected info Reaper! :-)Guys there is no SERE functioned into the boxes--the display after reflash with cable is actually STRT and is the abbreviation for start. The E001 code is corrupt or wrong firmware [box hasn't learnt to swear yet lol].
The last known F5 firmware was for the original skybox and found on the skybox site, the last known clone firmware is posted by myself somewhere above this post.
Firmware for F5s and V5s are the same except for boot logo and can be found on SkyBox | SkyBox and Downloads.
Seems like your still using the wrong F/W or the incorrect connection settings between your PC and Clone Box. I posted pics of my connection settings on this thread that you can check out, and I had to use two RS232 cables connected together to the USB port to make it work correctly. I don't know why you need two of the same kinds of cables, but whatever. One RS232 cable with male to female pins, connected to female RS232 to USB cable to your PC; make sure your computer has set up drivers for your USB to RS232 cable to function correctly. You also need to make sure you are using the F/W Update Tool SPECIFICALLY for R5S boxes, none other will work correctly for you. The clone boxes only use one F/W for clone boxes, the IC Chips are designed to block any other F/W from being downloaded, strange but true. If you made a backup of your clone box to a flash drive, you should be able to reload your old F/W back into the box to make it work, there's no newer clone F/W that I know of. If you did not make a backup, you will have to dig deep in this thread for the SB.abs file that is posted, which contains the backup F/W for your clone box. That should get you going again, as it did for me. But just to be on the safe side, I bought a Verified Genuine Skybox (no clone), from Ebay seller Idives in China for $45USD. It took a good week and a half to receive the box, but worth it. I had the seller send me pics and everything he could send me to verify it was genuine, and it was after I hooked it up to the TV. It was already set up with the latest Skybox Genuine F/W out of the packaging. By the way, the power supplies for the Clone and Genuine Skybox aren't very good, try using a better 12V 1 or 2 Amperage wall adapter if possible. I hope this helps, let me know if you got this ok. :-)Guys any help would be most welcome here, I've got an F5s which I presume to be a clone because it loads out to either 90 (mostly) 93 or 97. When I follow the process, the furthest it allows me to get is step 2 (download) on the STB EROM Upgrader. No matter what firmware I try the download never gets past 30% before the skybox tries re-booting itself and the download seems to just stall.
Could anyone offer an opinion on whether the box has had it or I haven't located the correct firmware yet?
I've tried skyboxcc, yojiatech, bi-union, bradforddealer and am at the point of wanting to throw the box at the wall.
Any opinion would be most welcome and thanks in advance.
---------- Post Merged at 03:44 PM ----------
Also, could anyone recommend the best value for money box to go with if (as I'm expecting) this one has had it's day.
Cheers guys
I would agree completely! All the answers and solutions are all in this thread. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to take the time to try and find the answers along the path like I did.This thread has become so long and interwoven that there is a lot of misguided info available.
You need the correct erom upgrade tool download for your particular box.
You need a single RS232 crossover/null modem cable if using a desktop pc
If using a laptop then you need a prolific usb adaptor [read thru thread for details] plus ensure you load drivers and locate correct com port.
You need the correct firmware for your box---I have uploaded the F5/F5s clone f/w within this thread and other f/w is available at SkyBox | SkyBox or Downloads
The procedure for reflashing is here in this thread at the beginning and thru-out.
Note---the original upgrade tool is based around windows xp but does work on other series up to win 10.
If you have the dim 8 and faint red led problem then it's not worth trying to revive.
If box stuck on load then try a new psu before anything else.
The main thing is --READ THRU THIS THREAD FIRST---all you need is here.
Reaper.View attachment 14996
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