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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 89 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

Hey @TheReaper...

So I've devoted a fair bit of time to reading the various posts on this topic.

My boxes (yes, plural) are stuck on "Load"...happened after updating channel list so reading other posts, I'll put it down to a faulty USB.

I have a laptop, so no dedicated rs232 port. My best bet is to get a usb rs232 cable...but there are so many out there...which of the following would you recommend:

eBay option 1 (poor review)

eBay option 2 (recommended by yourself several times)

Or Amazon listing (more pricier)

Hey @TheReaper...

So I've devoted a fair bit of time to reading the various posts on this topic.

My boxes (yes, plural) are stuck on "Load"...happened after updating channel list so reading other posts, I'll put it down to a faulty USB.


or clones
Can't confirm or deny on whether they are clones but they are two different boxes that were working and the only common denominator is the usb used to update channel list
I dont understand how updating a channel list would corrupt a proper box, unless the channel list was corrupt,
where did you get the channel list.?
I dont understand how updating a channel list would corrupt a proper box, unless the channel list was corrupt,
where did you get the channel list.?

I read earlier on that using an unformatted USB stick could brick boxes (source: The Reaper)

"Recovery should work ok as box is just on load---use latest file on Downloads and RS232 null cable. [all there in thread]
Take your time.
Ensure in future that if the box revives use a formatted usb key for upgrades----an unformatted key will almost always corrupt your firmware and brick the box".

Channel list from cwaites official site
I read earlier on that using an unformatted USB stick could brick boxes (source: The Reaper)

"Recovery should work ok as box is just on load---use latest file on Downloads and RS232 null cable. [all there in thread]
Take your time.
Ensure in future that if the box revives use a formatted usb key for upgrades----an unformatted key will almost always corrupt your firmware and brick the box".

Channel list from cwaites official site
so why didnt you use a properly formatted usb.?
so why didnt you use a properly formatted usb.?

Used the wrong usb by mistake on both boxes (1 X Skybox and 1 X openbox)... thought it was correctly formatted but wasn't

Any recommendations on the Rs232 usb cable (or direct link) would be much appreciated!!

The cable [No2 in your list] should be ok for you but you would be better off finding someone with a desktop pc and dedicated serial port so as to use a standard RS232 null modem cable as the usb type cable can be unpredictable [not work]
Always use a clean formatted [fat32] usb stick with fresh file for each box.
Thanks @ The Reaper, Steptoe, Wullboy and Big Drinks for the comments.

I've literally just ordered the startech cable that Wullboy shared so sorry I won't be able to take you up on ur kind offer Big Drinks!!

Anyways, I'll keep all updated on how I fare...thanks all!!
Hi all,

just thought i'd provide any update on my bricked boxes.

i did all the prep work - downloaded the erom tool, the .abs file that was suggested for the f5, read and re-read all the steps in the first post.

The null cable and usb adapter arrived yesterday. installed the driver, made a note of the correct COM port to use, plugged the rs232 into my laptop and fired up the upgrade tool. so far so good...then came the moment of truth when i plugged in the power supply and everything went swimmingly as the box appeared to be flashed! or so i thought...looks like my box was a clone and the .abs file i was using caused the f5 to loop on load.

couldnt find a clone f5 .abs but luckily remembered i had backed up my box so had all the original [clone] files. fired up the erom tool, navigated to the old .abs that i had, re-flashed the box and huzzah! it worked...euphoria, elation, joy, jubilation, ecstasy - i went thorugh all these emotions when the box fired up, made it past LOAD >> L93 >> L95 >> L100 and the SKYBOX splash image appeared!

did the same process with my openbox and thats working correctly as well!!

but obviously, i couldnt have made it to that stage without the instructions and help the TK forum members provided so big thanks all!!
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