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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 69 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

Just a case of knowing when to sack it. It'd be more worthwhile spending your efforts looking for a functioning second-hand box mate.

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Can anyone shed some light on my problem please

using correct serial cable on com port 1

Using STB EROM 2.0.0.c for Skybox F5s downloaded from the website along with the latest firmware.

also tried using the SB.abs file

Doesn't matter which one I try, I wait some 20 secs before plugging the power into the skybox it returns the message

"set stb memory error."

can anyone help?

Many thanks
Last edited:
Hi guys I did this and it worked but my channels have gone my 1-5 have gone it's got Asian channels which are scrambled how do I get my channels back how I had it before I flashed it please help
I got one got wrong lead originally had same ends so got a lead to convert to usb and it worked a treat but I have no proper channels now don't know how to get them back if you still stuck pm me and I will send you links for sub lead drivers and the software I used to do the flash
Everything you need is on this site. You'll amaze yourself how much you can learn with a little bit of research of these forums.
Channel lists available within the openbox section on this site. We all started as newbies but an hour spent cruising this forum has proved invaluable to hundreds of members. Everything you need to know is here on Techkings.
Can anyone shed some light on my problem please

using correct serial cable on com port 1

Using STB EROM 2.0.0.c for Skybox F5s downloaded from the website along with the latest firmware.

also tried using the SB.abs file

Doesn't matter which one I try, I wait some 20 secs before plugging the power into the skybox it returns the message

"set stb memory error."

can anyone help?

Many thanks
I'd the same problem but came to the conclusion the box was unrecoverable.

When u plug it in does the front display show or is there any blinking lights from the Ethernet port on the back when connected?

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Hello I have followed this tutorial exactly but when I have my f5s plugged in to pc and it starts to download firmware during the upgrade process on eromupgrade app after a few seconds the box tries to boot up and it stop the process the furthest it's got is 30% any help with this would be much appreciated.
My LibertView F5s box is showing a Dim 8, tried flashing with firmware from their site but the EROM tool is just stuck at synchronizing STBs
Hello I have followed this tutorial exactly but when I have my f5s plugged in to pc and it starts to download firmware during the upgrade process on eromupgrade app after a few seconds the box tries to boot up and it stop the process the furthest it's got is 30% any help with this would be much appreciated.
I have since managed to get passed the download process and the eromupgrade tool completed the burn but still the box won't boot up, I have let a professional take it to have a look I will update this when i get the results.
My LibertView F5s box is showing a Dim 8, tried flashing with firmware from their site but the EROM tool is just stuck at synchronizing STBs

You only have a 1% or less chance of revival with the fatal dim 8 problem--your box is fully corrupted and I advise a new one.
My F5 HD locked at load and then 97% loop, tried 20+ firmware's with no joy and going to bin it now. Any advice on what is best to replace it with?
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