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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 56 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

simply restart the plug out of the socket! firmware goes from 1% to 100% then begin zapesi flush reaches 100% Hit finish all the receiver itself should start.
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thanks for the info but I was using a usb to nul cable to flash. just not working will wait till I come across someone with a serial port on their pc or laptop
но я был с помощью USB-кабеля в nul мигать. просто
you how I got it! usb res232 adapter? Drover for him to deliver, you have what it shows now dospecher devices have Drover?

---------- Post Merged at 07:01 PM ----------

You can check the job! res232 "Jumper 2.3 contact on res232" and run the program puti vybrat COM port that you have worth in the computer and the flow rate of 9600 and press OK on the keyboard poprobovat napisat any word! if anything prescribe means your usb adapter working.
hi thanks for the help I can you recommend a usb rs323 adapter as I bought this one off ebay and only worked one time and now its dead. (sorry carnt post the link)

yesssssssssss !!!! The new cable done it. thanks for the help here much appreciated.:willy nilly:

right on another note lol.. you where I can get the latest picons and channel list from people.

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@johnnyboy147----reset target means power on box[plug it back in]
Dim 8 problem means that you only have a 33% chance of reviving box so get you money out ready just in case of failure.
Hi, After load backup TP and Sat list, the my skybox f5 clone, can't load . On the display "load" only. I need from help. Thank you
Hi, I have got the same problem but as I don't have a computer I've got a laptop, do you know what cable I will need from a laptop to a skybox f5s.
I have tried all the software with no joy
I run the config.bat file first then the EromUpgrade.exe
bit rate 115200 and parity Even
then select the skybox f5s.abs file click next wait 10 sec and switch on skybox nothing,then if I turn the skybox off the synchronizing stb's says done
Then it it comes up with set stb memory error click back to try again
I think the box is time for the bin:(
hi my openbox v8 stick on load to got cable and made sure it on right port setting but dont come up wit done wen tryin to flash update
After pressing next--plug your box back in when you see the words "reset target" the "done" should appear in top right corner of erom screen.
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