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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 54 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

Hi. I'm new here. My F3 box is not lighting up / switching on. However I can hear a whirring noise from inside when I switch it on. Does this mean it's "bricked"? Thanks.

Take the cover off & have a look at the capacitors on the power supply board. The tops should all be perfectly flat & not domed.

The noise could also be from the pins of the mains socket lifting up the circuit board tracks & arcing. I have seen a couple of F3 PSU boards do this.
I have followed the steps to re flash my f3s box, all is good until i put the channel list on and reboot, when the box starts it will only stay on bbc1 and is ok for roughly 30seconds before the channel freezes, turning on and off will repeat the same process,
has anyone any ideas?
I have followed the steps to re flash my f3s box, all is good until i put the channel list on and reboot, when the box starts it will only stay on bbc1 and is ok for roughly 30seconds before the channel freezes, turning on and off will repeat the same process,
has anyone any ideas?
bad list try other
I have followed the steps to re flash my f3s box, all is good until i put the channel list on and reboot, when the box starts it will only stay on bbc1 and is ok for roughly 30seconds before the channel freezes, turning on and off will repeat the same process,
has anyone any ideas?
bad list try other
i thought the same mate, i have two other boxes and the lists are fine with them. Also tryed older lists on ajsat but no luck
an openbox s9 yesterday would go ,,,on,,,,,,, for 10 sec then blank out screen and display
bulging caps
replaced the psu capacitors all good
hi this looks to be exactly the cure for my box
I am NEW to this and seem to be having trouble opening the link upgrade pvr800......?

this may be because i have not placed a positive constructive post can anyone help please

i have the other 2 downloads required from the links above just this priority one

f5s with dim power light and no 8 just a single line in middle of lcd display

wondering if anyone can shed any light on this ?

not a clone
checked power
and checked rs232
Try a reflash with an early firmware using the null modem cable---all instructions in this thread.
Don't think you will be able to revive but if original there is always a chance---fingers crossed.
Anyone here able to help me. My skybox f6 is saying .. S/w authentication failed because the security chip is invalid or empty don't know how to fix it as I can't even get into the menu
Bricked skybox f5s

Hi guys and ladies i'm a month now trying to unbrick my skybox f5s i have bricked my sky box by installing a faulty TP.PROG file off the internet the skybox f5s turned off then would not turn back on it would not go over LOAD i have bought the null cables everything to unbrick it but i run into one problem when you open the file it will say how to unbrick the skybox it told me to turn it off but my skybox will not turn off by the remote and the remote is working perfect i need help quick because the big fight is coming up ... I would be very VERY very thankful please get back to me

I really hate to say this---the only way to turn the box off is to unplug it---congratulations you
found out how to turn it off lol

1] connect null cable to box and pc
2] unplug box from power
3] open erom upgrade tool
4] browse for update file
5] select file and tick bootloader
6] press next
7] plug power back to box

Now follow the rest of the tutorial.
When you open the erom upgrade tool you will see com port in top left corner---if using desktop then you usually choose 1 or 2 but try each until it opens port, if not then go into control panel,system,hardware, device manager and locate your ports and see if any problem or whether open.
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