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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 45 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

well cable is here followed the instructions, and when i click next and turn the box on i get this message...''sychronising STBs please reset target'' any ideas what problem is. its an F5 box
1] connect null cable to box
2] open upgrade program
3] enter f/w to upgade and tick bootloader
4] press next and com ports will open--reset to target will appear
5] power up box and "done" will show on right top of screen
6] if all ok then the download will appear
7] if download is successful then follow instructions--press next and burn will start--DO NOT POWER OFF UNTIL BURN COMPLETE
8]Disconnect and test box.

done all that still showing ''please reset'' left on for 10 minutes , still same , no done in top right corner only commands are cancel and exit
Using pc checked com port I've got two but doesn't say what's connected to them and i'm using windows 7
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Put cable to No ! port, go into control panel---system--hardware---device settings---com 1 and ensure port is set to 115200 parity even---ok --exit
then connect up and retry.
Hi guys can anyone help out with the E0001 problem.I can see the posts on how to fix but the upgrade downloads are missing.its the emrom upgrade download i need can anyone help ?
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yesterday i tried to flash my sky box f5s with the usual rs232 null cable using my laptop all went fine untill it loaded up but stopped at this because im using a lap top to do it? do i need an older pc with the propper rs232 cable port...or is the box goosed ? help appreciated
tried everything still got please reset target

Ive only got rs232 null cable in the back of my skybox f5s,i open up EROM.

Port - COM1
Bits Rate 115200
Parity Even
Operate mode Upgrade
Browse for the f5s file
Ticked include Bootloader

I then press next then i insert my power cable where nothing happens just says Synchronizing STBs....Please reset target.

I then thought about looking in port com 1 in device manager in which i altered a few options to match the figures in EROM.

Changed bits per second from 9600 to 115200
data bits kept the same at 8
Parity changed from none to even
stop bits kept the same as 1
and flow control kept the same at none

still no joy please can anyone shed some light on this much appreciated.
i have an acer lap top mate...i had that problem at first with the coms... i had the usb plugged into com 3 i found out in the end...just try changing soon as you have the right 1 it will say synchronising stb's as soon as you plug the power lead into the sky box it will say ready.. thenit will start downloading then....
looking on my pc in ports in device manager i only have two..

Communictaions port (COM1)
Printer Port (LPT1)

on the back of the pc i have a vga port and a rs232 port.the COM1 wont be picking up my VGA port will it if so where on earth is the RS232 port.

I aint using usb mate just RS232 null cable female to female from skybox to pc.
pass on that mate im no expert either...i got past that stage actually got the box to flash but only loads upto still wating for a reply on that 1 as i dont know weather the box is finished or what..sorry i cant help you there pal!!!!!:beg:
no danger mate i had a problem before when it kept restarting think it hit 97 too.turned out it was the wrong bloody adapter.but this is seriously doing my head doing everything people are asking to no avail.cheers anyway mate
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was saying i had that problem till i notice i was using the wrong adaptor.frying my head now mate wish there was a way in which i could check my pc is picking up my rs232 null cable
If box only flashes to L097 then try a later f/w or if on latest then retreat to earliest and start working thru until a f/w finally loads to L100.

In Mr Davies case --- plug the null cable in the top RS232 port on back of PC--then into box, find a f/w then press next, power up box and see if done appears. If not then retry with different firmware or check box is original or clone and also ensure you are using correct upgrade tool [file in posts above]
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