hi there peeps,
Ive done exactly as i was told as below, i repeated the process so many times. its just stuck on synchnorizing STBs..Please reset target. my box still says LOAD.
Ateeb---the procedure is hit and miss using usb serial adaptor but if as you say you have got so far then try again--patience needed.
Use attached erom file [known to work with laptop]power off box Erom_Upgrade_256_8M.rar SKYBOX_F3S_F5S_3601HD_CMT_14012205A6.rar Open,baud rate set to 11500, parity even, set to upgrade, browse for downloaded file [do not use those in erom file] check com port matching then press next---reset target by connecting power to box---wait, new screen appears then follow instructions.
Good Luck.
---------- Post Merged at 03:25 PM ----------
Im using the serial 232 lead female to female, one end on my pc and the other one on back of f5s
Im going bonkers now
am i doing something wrong, i have followed all instructions
---------- Post Merged at 04:09 PM ----------
im using windows 7