It's not actually home made, Reaper. It's actually a friend's cable, which he said he successfully used to flash one F5 box, then was unsuccessful when trying to flash a second box a couple if months later. I've tested pin connections with a tester, and pins are defo connected as listed above.
My F5 is frozen after trying to update satellite list using AJ's list (which I've done dozens of times with no probs), and it just says "Load" on display. Doesn't count up like usual, just simply stays there like that, sticking its fingers up at me.
Also have another F5 box which just shows a very dim red LED at front when I connect power. When I plug network cable in, the lights flash a few times on the Ethernet port on back of box, so assume it mustn't be completely dead? Been trying to flash both boxes several times, with several different abs files, can't connect to neither of them! Using a desktop PC with XP installed, using onboard serial connector. My head is that battered with this fiasco that I actually dreamt about a weird serial port on the back of an angry-looking tower PC!! This is not healthy. :(