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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 40 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

bought 2 skybox f3 here in nz is there a specific fix for no hdmi?

and in the book says can do .ts files but box says unsupported file
Give me a few more details and perhaps I can help---I have clients in Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Malaysia, Dubai, UK, Spain, Italy and Malta plus Chicago USA all using localized versions of Skybox so perhaps I can add you to my list👍

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Skybox F5 reflash


Been going in circles for 3 solid days, trying to get past the "synchronizing STB, Please Reset..." screen, and have tried loads of times, waiting various lengths of time before switching box on. No joy yet!

Was just wondering: the null modem cable I've managed to get from a friend, but is it crucial which end is connected to my desktop serial connector and which end is connected to Skybox F5? Cos I'm sure one end has a H imprinted (very small!) and the other end has a C imprinted. I'm assuming these stand for Host and Client?

Just to add, I've tried switching cable around, but still cant connect, but if I knew it was crucial for it to be connected in a certain way, that'd be a start.

Thanks for any help.
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Mr wwiilliiss I have sent you PM ref F3

---------- Post Merged at 02:37 PM ----------

Shad---if you are sure it's definitely a RS232 null modem cable then it doesn't matter which end goes where but for your peace of mind then connect "C" to pc and ensure correct port in use, after that it's just patience. Just a tip---I added a switch to my PSU line to F5s and that stops you having to connect and disconnect power.
Thanks for the reply Reaper.

As long as pins 2-3, 3-2, 5-5 are connected, wouldn't that suffice as a null cable? I assumed it would be okay... :/
It's not actually home made, Reaper. It's actually a friend's cable, which he said he successfully used to flash one F5 box, then was unsuccessful when trying to flash a second box a couple if months later. I've tested pin connections with a tester, and pins are defo connected as listed above.

My F5 is frozen after trying to update satellite list using AJ's list (which I've done dozens of times with no probs), and it just says "Load" on display. Doesn't count up like usual, just simply stays there like that, sticking its fingers up at me.

Also have another F5 box which just shows a very dim red LED at front when I connect power. When I plug network cable in, the lights flash a few times on the Ethernet port on back of box, so assume it mustn't be completely dead? Been trying to flash both boxes several times, with several different abs files, can't connect to neither of them! Using a desktop PC with XP installed, using onboard serial connector. My head is that battered with this fiasco that I actually dreamt about a weird serial port on the back of an angry-looking tower PC!! This is not healthy. :(
Most of the problems on the Skybox can be attributed to using "dirty" usb keys.
Before you load or upgrade your box--take a back up of the cline/nline.
Before loading onto a usb key, format to fat 32 to ensure it's clean.
If you have to relash box then try to locate a desktop with serial ports and using xp because 99% of loaders were based on xp uing pc[host] to box[client]
Almost all the dim led/8 faults occur with the clone box and you only have a 30% chance of revival [it's doomed]
Other faults are corrupt downloads, dodgy psu's and particulary the f5s--too much pulling out and inserting the power lead.
Just a little care and forethought then these boxes can last.
This is my first post on the forum and hopefully good enough to be able to download some of the software needed to bring my Skybox F5s back to life. It is totally wiped of everything (unsure how that happens) but i have now got my Rs232 cable ready and will let you know how I get on!!! Love stuff like this, always trying to get one over on the big boys!
Hi all,

Finally cracked!! I have an F3s which appears dead! I was simply plugging in my usb harddrive when it died on me??? It appears this is a common problem!?

I've bricked my box once before updating my channel list, it was stuck in a continuous loop. I managed to get it fixed using the EROM upgrade thingy with my saved .abs file using a usb rs232 cable :)

But this time there is no loop, just a blank lifeless box! And i don't have my .abs file anymore!

When i try the upgrade tool now there doesn't seem to be anything happening, just the initial screen saying synchronising....

Can anyone shed any light on this, i haven't checked power in, as i don't see how plugging usb lead in would 'blow' my box...

Thinking of forking out for another box :(
still no hdmi with this box even though it has digested s/w from 03/2014
the fta ch using for a trial is 720 on other sat boxes yet the f3 says 576, h.264 and wont allow ps recording only ts
on other sd chs choice of ts/ps recording although ,ts seems 2 diffent things to either ultraplus[octagon]or an f3
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