Hi i am using a desktop with xp, using the same equipment ive used to bring a old f5 back to life, rs232, erom 2.0 and 2.1 various firmware, but theres no power to the box at all. not even when i plug a ethernet cable in to see if the lights light up, tried the box on my other f5 working power lead to rule out faulty power adapter etc. Press next to flash and i get the message, stb memory error, Click "Back" to try again.What box and what symptoms ? Are you using a desktop or laptop?
State all details and I may be able to help you.
If you can get that message then there is hope-----not sure what files you are using but this one should restore the box if no major fault other than bricked.
Reaper.View attachment 11750
If you can get that message then there is hope-----not sure what files you are using but this one should restore the box if no major fault other than bricked.
Reaper.View attachment 11750
Tried that file m8 still getting that same "set stb memory error" think its fooked. Drives you nuts !! One thing does the port com1 on the pc have to say the same as what it says in the erom, bits rate 115200, parity even ?
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