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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

Still the same. All the eromclient files come up wrong file and the f3latest one comes up with read raw file fail.

Any had this issue before and if so, how did you fix it?
This is the only method to reflash your box---I hunted down all the files I have posted in this thread, each box seems to have it's favourite files---I always start with the oldest date file and adjusting timing etc and then move thru files until one works.
Well after months of giving up on this method I decided to give it a go and it worked first go :) used a USB to serial on a windows 7 laptop and firmware from the official skybox site and boom it worked . Figured out the problem was the USB lead so just downloaded older version drivers and problem solved :)
hi everyone sorry im new to all this my f3 box got stuck on load after trying to upload new channels now i have tried to flush and have tried different methods but still get stuck on reset target. does anyone know how to get past this, thanks in advance.
hi guys,
on part 2 of the installation (mismatched error file), i am getting a message coming up saying:

synchronising stb`s - done
pleaese reset target.

set stb memory error.
click back to try again.

any ideas what this means or what i need to do?

cheers Glenn:bye:
I have just looked on download page but cannot see any files which look right , which section should I be looking in mate?
Also I am using a rs232-USB cable is this the correct one? My laptop doesn't have a rs232 port see,
Cheers Glenn
Help me, my receiver skybox f6 is turned off and writes "on" on the front Is there a way to work

RECOVERY OF DECEASED SKYBOX F6 [a clone of openbox x5]

Connect Skybox F6 up to TV etc as per normal but do not swich box on.

a. Format a USB key to FAT32
b. Create a folder named "recovery" on the USB key
c. Copy KD_P9000E_HD.bin file to the recovery folder on the USB key.
d.Insert the USB key into the USB Port on the Skybox F6.
e. Turn on the power to the box, while pressing the OK button on the front panel.
f. Keep the OK button pressed until it shows LXXX message on the LED front panel.
g. The TV screen should indicate that the software is updating by the USB key.
h. The Skybox F6 should now restart.

KD_P9000E_HD.zipSkybox F6

---------- Post Merged at 01:22 PM ----------

Also I am using a rs232-USB cable is this the correct one? My laptop doesn't have a rs232 port see,
Cheers Glenn

Wrong cable---you need RS232 null modem cable with usb serial adapter, this has been discussed many times in this thread and others. All available on e-bay.
hopefully this works, thanks for the help

---------- Post Merged at 11:51 AM ----------

everyone is saying switch the box of but its stuck on load so i can only pull the lead out, skyboxf5s

---------- Post Merged at 12:09 PM ----------

i get to the first part of the download and it goes...
synchronizing STbs...
Please reset target Done
Initialize sdarm failed
click back to try again

someone please help.
i try to upgared my skybox f5 firmware and the box stoped loading @ 93% giving that famous Error001 i already try to download the software and conect the cable to my com port more than 1 time and didnt work ud be aprecciated..

steps i did

conect cable to pc -> conect cable to box->open the software set it to port com1 same on the software /bit rates 115200 on both-> even-> upgrade -> file last f5 firmware->include bootloader ->next-> conect power cable.

the box doesnt do nothing stays frozen asking to reset dide the same steps like 20 times already nothing hapend..
A little hint----try connecting box to power then open program---after choosing file press next then it will ask you to reset---disconnect power, slow count to 10 and reconnect--- wait then follow instructions.
If you get mismatch the try another file[ read back thru this thread there are files available] and also ensure you are using RS232 null modem cable not a straight RS232 cable.
1 down 2 to go....

nightmare for me at mo.
got 3 boxs. F5s all brought sametime and sbarcode is 1 digit away. got one fully working but the same dump file loads on box but low signal now and got told by site that i need some sort of tp_prog.dbs ?????
heres the file i dumped from my fully working one if it helps anyone..


ok looks like i fix it after trying 24 times i just installed win xp and use the new version of erom 2.1.0 with the com rs232 null cable after trying several firmwares i found one that worked for skybox f5 its alive again and working like a charme..

steps review for skybox f5 Error001:

1-conect rs232 null cable to com1 on pc and com socket on the box.
2-open erom 2.1.0 (warning the older erom 2.0.0 version from 2009 didnt work for me) and set the bitrats to 115200 did the same on my desktop com1
3- set the to Parity = EVEN -> Operate mode= UPGRADE -> FILE = skybox f5 firmware (this can take several trys ,i choose a firmware that worked for me) -> INCLUEDE BOOTLOADER
4-After step 3 hit Next - Conect the Skybox Power plug (if the steps worked should show up done on erom and the firmware will start loading) keep hitting next after the second load just hit finished.

Warning: all this steps didnt work on win7...i just end up installing win xp on my old desktop PC and worked fine

Erom 2.1 and skybox f5 firmware that worked for me: View attachment Erom 2.1 and Skybox f5

ps: thx reaper for trying to help
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