I started in satellite at the very beginning pirating the original "Filmnet" and over the years built up a great deal of knowledge on a lot of receivers etc.
I became involved with a Maltese forum purely by chance and ended up as admin and running it with a member base of thousands because they had nothing but the basics there on the island. I joined forces with other forums such as Gemeosat etc ---took some old D2 boxes over there from here in UK and introduced them to S** and later c***s*****g using Dreamboxes.
Then my world collapsed, heart attack thru overwork, diabetes and glaucoma induced blindness all at the end of 2010.
Since then I've been fighting back, lots of time to get back into this hobby and understand the new systems etc.
To answer your original question [and remember I'm partially sighted] it took me about 4 hours to set my original skybox up from scratch but now I just do it in a short time---I revive other peoples boxes they send or bring to me and use my contacts and knowledge to assist. I refuse to act like a vegetable so here I am.