Wishing to learn more about these Skyboves-I purchased a faulty return F5s from e-bay [didn't want to muck up my working F5s] I paid £19.01 for box and a convenient postage of £4.99 = £24.00 total. It arrived at 12.50 today, set it up and got a dismal load on the LED so-----read the thread thoroughly--got totally baffled but generally understood all. I downloaded the files indicated and followed the instructions like a sheep---guess what, it didn't work but I remembered someone repeating the procedure using the May 10 2013 file so downloaded it and hey presto, it's up and running [complete with a cline that some kind person left in] so now on test and ready to be sold on.
Thanks to all you guys and this forum---I've leant a lot in 4hours of playing.
Thanks again.