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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

After several attempts I unbricked my F5s with
Skybox F5s 130801
Erom Upgrade 8m Flash

I tried different USB slots and check all drivers for Usb Serial Converter plus I fixed a RS232 cable to the box then connected the USB Serial converter to the RS232 cable and YES it works

mine is F5, so are you talking about using that software or using the usb cable with rs232 adaptor?
I'm having the same problem as inaminute23. I have a Skybox F5S on following the original post I get the Wrong File message, so I then downloaded the latest firmware for my F5S box as suggested and now I get a mesage saying Set stb memory error, click back to try again. Please help
All Sorted Now :)

Posting in case my experience helps anyone else.

I managed to brick my box by not fully removing my previous channel list of my F5S box before adding a new channel list. This caused my box to display the message 'aSH'. I couldn't do anything. I then managed to stumble across this forum via Google and followed the original post in this thread - after buying the RS232 Null Modem Cable I them proceded to follow the instructions using the files which are made available in the original post.

On running the Erom update I kept getting the "Wrong File error" - I immediately presumed I had a cloned box and then went on to download all the various clone firmware which are mentioned throughout the entire thread. Still no luck. I then located another version of the Erom Update Software and thought maybe there was an issue with the original software. Ran the new software and followed the instructions, progress was made, I now managed to get my box to stop displaying 'aSH' and was now at least trying to load. Going from L001 but then stopping at L093, before displaying the E001 Error.

It turns out I was still using the wrong firmware. Luckily i complained to the supplier of my box about it being 'faulty' and they sent me a new one. So the first thing I did when the new one arrived was to backup the firmware and channel list to USB. I then used this copy of the firmware on the original 'faulty' box and hey presto the box is now working again! Excellent.

I don't know why all the different types of firmware I tried didn't work, but this one sure did.

I've attached the Erom Client which worked for me along with the backup of the firmware in the hope it helps someone else out, I know how frustrating this can be!

The information on my SkyBox F5S is as follows:

Main Chip: ALI3601 HD
OEM ID: 0001
Peripheral unit: RS232, CA Slot> NET, GPRS
Display Mode: FULL HD
Memory Size: DDR2, 128M
Software Ver: M6_HD__27_03_2013_0794


NEWSKYBOX...are you sure that your software version doesn't start with 3601HD?

And are you sure that it's an F5s & not just an F5?

F5s firmware on only goes back to 16/08/13, but there is firmware with that date for the F5.
The firmware was saved as 3601HD at the start, but the information in the sky box menu is exactly as I have specified. I took a photo of it and have just double checked.
Hi, I've tried following the instructions but get a 'wrong file' error message, my box is an F3 though not an F5 so I don't know if that makes a difference

Can someone tell me how to download the correct file please(in laymans terms)?

The firmware was saved as 3601HD at the start, but the information in the sky box menu is exactly as I have specified. I took a photo of it and have just double checked.

That's strange. I've never seen firmware start like that before.

I have just looked at the firmware on 1 of my F5 boxes & it has the same firmware as your F5s (only it starts with 3601HD).

Now that you have 2 working boxes, I wonder what would happen if you try to upgrade the firmware on one of them by USB, as your firmware is very old.

I suspect that if you try to install F5s firmware, then it won't accept it.

It looks to me like you have an F5 main board in an F5s case! Perhaps that's why you couldn't flash it with F5s firmware?

I will have a play with your firmware & see which boxes it will install on.

edit...just tried your firmware in a genuine F5s & get "upgrade file is a mismatch". I also get that message when trying to install on an F5 (don't know if it's clone or genuine though).

Something else I noticed in your post above, is that Main Chip on my F5 box shows the same as yours, but my F5s shows ALIHD 3601, 3501C.
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hi i bought a sky f6 box the channels are not working any ideas what i can do to fix the problem

---------- Post Merged at 11:46 AM ----------

hi i bought a sky f6 box the channels are not working any ideas what i can do to fix the problem
I just got my R232 Null Cable with USB and was surprised that It worked right away in Windows 7, Downloaded the Drivers and installed as soon as connected. Was set to Com Port 3. Only think to be aware when upgrading is once you have it all connected and your skybox is on to unplug the skybox and then plug it back in for it to connect correctly and away you go.

I was using it on an F5S. The nul cable I got was from Amazon and was a Startech which is more expensive and has 2 lights RX/TX which shows it working fine.

Reason I used this was because the box was stuck on Load / was frozen. I went straight and installed the latest firmware for the box.

Thats my first post done hope it helps someone.
hi i bought a sky f6 box the channels are not working any ideas what i can do to fix the problem

---------- Post Merged at 11:46 AM ----------

hi i bought a sky f6 box the channels are not working any ideas what i can do to fix the problem

Not sure there is an F6 skybox i think it may be fake. Try looking at they list the official Skyboxes and have the latest firmware for each one.

Let me know if I am wrong please?

---------- Post Merged at 09:43 PM ----------

I'm having problems with my F5s The above instructions were very helpful!


Thanks .You will identify the port the usb goes onto by looking at the device manager on your PC the serial port adapter shows up
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