If you get the "wrong file" message, see post #511 above.
After several attempts I unbricked my F5s with
Skybox F5s 130801
Erom Upgrade 8m Flash
I tried different USB slots and check all drivers for Usb Serial Converter plus I fixed a RS232 cable to the box then connected the USB Serial converter to the RS232 cable and YES it works
Hi, I've tried following the instructions but get a 'wrong file' error message, my box is an F3 though not an F5 so I don't know if that makes a difference
Can someone tell me how to download the correct file please(in laymans terms)?
The firmware was saved as 3601HD at the start, but the information in the sky box menu is exactly as I have specified. I took a photo of it and have just double checked.
hi i bought a sky f6 box the channels are not working any ideas what i can do to fix the problem
---------- Post Merged at 11:46 AM ----------
hi i bought a sky f6 box the channels are not working any ideas what i can do to fix the problem
I'm having problems with my F5s The above instructions were very helpful!
i have tryed this and it says wrong file can anyone help please
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