I started again 20 minutes ago and have plugged in RS232 to Com 1 (I think)
Started the Upgrade_PVR800 HD Tool
pointed to eromclient.abs = wrong file
in the same folder pointed to
Skybox F5_3602 HD_CMT_130327.ABS = Synchronising = power on = done = set stb memory error
checked forum, tokk advice
Downloaded and ran
Skybox F3_m3 RS232 Upgrade Tool
poitned to eromclient.abs = Wrong file
pointed to
eromclient_M3606.abs = Wrong file
took more advice and downloaded
SkyboxS9_S10_S11_S12 RS232 Upgrade Tool
pointed to
eromc;lient_128m_32bit_sf.abs =Wrong file
pointed to
Power on = done
set stb memory error
other information on clone check :
I scanned the barcode on the back of the box and it takes me to Google not a website (clone check)
Inside the remote control battery cover it has Skybox imprinted in the plastic
Checking com port
Box is dead so can't check
Any ideas?
---------- Post Merged at 04:57 PM ----------
We'll get there yet
I started again 20 minutes ago and have plugged in RS232 to Com 1 (I think)
Started the Upgrade_PVR800 HD Tool
pointed to eromclient.abs = wrong file
in the same folder pointed to
Skybox F5_3602 HD_CMT_130327.ABS = Synchronising = power on = done = set stb memory error
checked forum, tokk advice
Downloaded and ran
Skybox F3_m3 RS232 Upgrade Tool
poitned to eromclient.abs = Wrong file
pointed to
eromclient_M3606.abs = Wrong file
took more advice and downloaded
SkyboxS9_S10_S11_S12 RS232 Upgrade Tool
pointed to
eromc;lient_128m_32bit_sf.abs =Wrong file
pointed to
Power on = done
set stb memory error
other information on clone check :
I scanned the barcode on the back of the box and it takes me to Google not a website (clone check)
Inside the remote control battery cover it has Skybox imprinted in the plastic
Checking com port
Box is dead so can't check
Any ideas?
---------- Post Merged at 04:57 PM ----------
Deduced that the RS232 is connected to the right com port as soon as power is connected the done notification pops upUpdate:
I started again 20 minutes ago and have plugged in RS232 to Com 1 (I think)
Started the Upgrade_PVR800 HD Tool
pointed to eromclient.abs = wrong file
in the same folder pointed to
Skybox F5_3602 HD_CMT_130327.ABS = Synchronising = power on = done = set stb memory error
checked forum, tokk advice
Downloaded and ran
Skybox F3_m3 RS232 Upgrade Tool
poitned to eromclient.abs = Wrong file
pointed to
eromclient_M3606.abs = Wrong file
took more advice and downloaded
SkyboxS9_S10_S11_S12 RS232 Upgrade Tool
pointed to
eromc;lient_128m_32bit_sf.abs =Wrong file
pointed to
Power on = done
set stb memory error
other information on clone check :
I scanned the barcode on the back of the box and it takes me to Google not a website (clone check)
Inside the remote control battery cover it has Skybox imprinted in the plastic
Checking com port
Box is dead so can't check
Any ideas?
We'll get there yet