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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 32 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable


I started again 20 minutes ago and have plugged in RS232 to Com 1 (I think)
Started the Upgrade_PVR800 HD Tool
pointed to eromclient.abs = wrong file
in the same folder pointed to
Skybox F5_3602 HD_CMT_130327.ABS = Synchronising = power on = done = set stb memory error
checked forum, tokk advice
Downloaded and ran

Skybox F3_m3 RS232 Upgrade Tool
poitned to eromclient.abs = Wrong file
pointed to
eromclient_M3606.abs = Wrong file


took more advice and downloaded

SkyboxS9_S10_S11_S12 RS232 Upgrade Tool
pointed to
eromc;lient_128m_32bit_sf.abs =Wrong file

pointed to
Power on = done
set stb memory error


other information on clone check :
I scanned the barcode on the back of the box and it takes me to Google not a website (clone check)
Inside the remote control battery cover it has Skybox imprinted in the plastic

Checking com port
Box is dead so can't check

Any ideas?


---------- Post Merged at 04:57 PM ----------


I started again 20 minutes ago and have plugged in RS232 to Com 1 (I think)
Started the Upgrade_PVR800 HD Tool
pointed to eromclient.abs = wrong file
in the same folder pointed to
Skybox F5_3602 HD_CMT_130327.ABS = Synchronising = power on = done = set stb memory error
checked forum, tokk advice
Downloaded and ran

Skybox F3_m3 RS232 Upgrade Tool
poitned to eromclient.abs = Wrong file
pointed to
eromclient_M3606.abs = Wrong file


took more advice and downloaded

SkyboxS9_S10_S11_S12 RS232 Upgrade Tool
pointed to
eromc;lient_128m_32bit_sf.abs =Wrong file

pointed to
Power on = done
set stb memory error


other information on clone check :
I scanned the barcode on the back of the box and it takes me to Google not a website (clone check)
Inside the remote control battery cover it has Skybox imprinted in the plastic

Checking com port
Box is dead so can't check

Any ideas?

Deduced that the RS232 is connected to the right com port as soon as power is connected the done notification pops up

We'll get there yet

thanks reaper, I'll get on it immediately


power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F5_140326.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F5s_140326.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14012205a6 (1).abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14012205a6.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

...and finally

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14041006DA.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

I appreciate all your help and patience reaper and would be grateful if you could continue to offer this assistance so we can crack this bugger


to eliminate some things that may be obvious to you but not me

  • the baud rate on the pc is 9600 and 115200 on the upgrade tool
  • Parity on the tool is set to even
  • what's the dump option for on the tool?

are there any obvious things I may be missing?

thanks in advance

this could keep me busy on a wet afternoon in Manchester ;)

Last edited:

thanks reaper, I'll get on it immediately


power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F5_140326.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F5s_140326.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14012205a6 (1).abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14012205a6.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

...and finally

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14041006DA.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

I appreciate all your help and patience reaper and would be grateful if you could continue to offer this assistance so we can crack this bugger


to eliminate some things that may be obvious to you but not me

  • the baud rate on the pc is 9600 and 115200 on the upgrade tool
  • Parity on the tool is set to even
  • what's the dump option for on the tool?

are there any obvious things I may be missing?

thanks in advance

this could keep me busy on a wet afternoon in Manchester ;)

Connect null cable to pc and box----connect power to box---then open the tool program and ensure connection to com port 1
leave bit rate at 11520---parity to even----file to upgrade---tick bootloader-----enter an .abs file [preferably an old one]---click on program next----reset target by unplugging box----count to 10 plug box back in---press next and wait----second screen will appear and hopefully load then burn----just follow screen instructions. If a mismatch or error try different set times [ie count to 15 or 20 and so on]] if no luck try next file.
Last edited:

thanks reaper, I'll get on it immediately


power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F5_140326.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F5s_140326.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14012205a6 (1).abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14012205a6.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

...and finally

SKYBOX F3s_F5s_3601HD_CMT_14041006DA.abs
power on = done = set stb memory error

I appreciate all your help and patience reaper and would be grateful if you could continue to offer this assistance so we can crack this bugger


to eliminate some things that may be obvious to you but not me

  • the baud rate on the pc is 9600 and 115200 on the upgrade tool
  • Parity on the tool is set to even
  • what's the dump option for on the tool?

are there any obvious things I may be missing?

thanks in advance

this could keep me busy on a wet afternoon in Manchester ;)

Connect null cable to pc and box----connect power to box---then open the tool program and ensure connection to com port 1
leave bit rate at 11520---parity to even----file to upgrade---tick bootloader-----enter an .abs file [preferably an old one]---click on program next----reset target by unplugging box----count to 10 plug box back in---press next and wait----second screen will appear and hopefully load then burn----just follow screen instructions. If a mismatch or error try different set times [ie count to 15 or 20 and so on]] if no luck try next file.

Unfortunately, I have negative feedback to share regarding yesterdays trial

I tried every file I have (see previous post) and powered on at different timescales with no success :(

There is a definite connection between PC and box but cannot get beyond the power on and done notification

any more ideas?

Lost all power on f3 box,followed threads put Rs232 into old PC then into box ,box switched off,loaded set up tool on PC the put firmware file in after a few attempts ,loaded into box ,then viewed it on TV but Miss Match on screen ,so tried a new firmware BINGO no channels showing in box screen,loaded it to TV ALL ONbut no channels ,scanned then put new channel list in ,running very well made up with my first attempt on a Dead Box
Lost all power on f3 box,followed threads put Rs232 into old PC then into box ,box switched off,loaded set up tool on PC the put firmware file in after a few attempts ,loaded into box ,then viewed it on TV but Miss Match on screen ,so tried a new firmware BINGO no channels showing in box screen,loaded it to TV ALL ONbut no channels ,scanned then put new channel list in ,running very well made up with my first attempt on a Dead Box
good work 👍
How do you intend to use a usb if you can't open your box menu---so yes you have to use the null modem cable to reflash.
I have an f5s, dim 8 error

any time I try to flash the box I get a "Read raw file fail" no matter what .abs file I use.

Any ideas?
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