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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 16 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable


I have a Skybox F5s and all of a sudden I'm unable to get any viewing. There is a faint red light (as if its in standby mode) and a figure of 8. Does this indicate dead box? Also what procedure should be taken to retrieve to viewing status.

I have USB RS323 cable

thanks again in advance
hi, got a bricked m3,
getting either set stb memory error or opening serial port is failed error, please help! thanks gra
Hi, will the software restore work on the F5S version?

---------- Post Merged at 09:30 AM ----------

and will it keep the config file and channels, or does it reset them?
stb memory error fix

My skybox F3S was dead! No lights! No display! No activity at all! The skybox was a brick! Thanks to this guide, a RS232 null modem cable, borrowed from work, and my friend Google, I now have a working skybox F3S again!

Like many on here I was getting a set stb memory error message:
stb memory error.JPG
My guess is the original upgrade tool is for an 8MB Skybox, the current generation F3S have 128MB of RAM. So I Googled "F3 upgrade tool" and downloaded the latest F3 upgrade tool from skybox's [skybox <dot> cc] website, while there I also downloaded the latest firmware. Fortunately I had made a backup of my F3S (again thanks to advice on this forum), so didn't need the latest firmware in the end. The firmware files eromclient_M3606.abs and eromclient.abs supplied with the upgrade tool didn't work for me either, I had a wrong file error message. My first attempt to upgrade, with my backup firmware, went all the way through to Finished, but my skybox still didn't boot! :( So I tried again, this time I ticked the Include Bootloader option:
Option include bootloader.JPG
My second attempt worked! Once the upgrade tool downloaded, I clicked Next> to start burning. I waited for "Program upgrade finished successfully" message, clicked Finished. My Skybox automatically booted! I'm now a happy chap once more :yes!:
hi iam using the recovery tool for my skybox f5s from a different site and it keeps saying (set stb memory error) i have been trying for two days now can anyone tell me where i can get the right tools
hi new tot his fourm just about to try this on my f3 box as it stuck on the "load" after i tried to update the firmware.

---------- Post Merged at 02:58 PM ----------

hi could an admin grant me permissons so i can download the file to try and recover my sky f3 box, many thanks.
So I had a lot of problems with getting my Bricked F5S box back alive. There are quite a lot of hoops to jump through.

First of all, I struggled to get a null modem working over USB. This took me hours to get right and lots of bad purchases. In the end I got a Plugable USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial Adapter (Prolific PL230HX Rev D Chipset) from

I struggled to get the drivers working. I thought I had to use prolific ones, but I eventually randomly tried the ch340 install and it appeared in device manager at last on COM3.

So cable TICK - next was the software. I tried the loader at the start of this thread and didn't have any success. I then used the one in this thread on later pages called erom_upgrade_8Mflash which was the one that finally worked.

My first problem was "Wrong file!". I struggled with this for hours and then found out that you have to download a firmware image and use that and not the eromclient.abs file as it seemed I have to at the start of this thread.

So I downloaded one from here and WOW it seemed to work, I pressed FINISH and I got L093 and then E001. I saw others had the same problem but I never saw it fixed, I did see other images which I tried but they failed.

So I went to skybox's own website and from there I found the latest firmware image and just used that. It worked. The box booted up.

Then I had no channels. This part was easy enough. I used a USB stick and followed the method stickied in this forum.

Bit of a journey and a real jigsaw to solve but I got there in the end.

Thanks to all contributors, in your own way, you all helped me solve the puzzle in the end.


hi all,

wondered if any1 can help me with the following please?

i am trying flash my f3 box as it is stuck on load when switching the box ON.

my current setup is null modem cable with PCI-e com card and is windows 8 PC

my device manager shows PCIe to high speed serial port (com 1) and (com 2)

so i went to the program select com 1, bit rate 115200, selected the .abs file, ticked the bootloader option clicked next

at this point just synchronizing stbs ... please reset target
tried switching the box but nothing happens....

tried few times but no joy tried different com port but no joy either

so i just wondered whether its my current setup for instance do i need to do this on win xp machine? do i need to use COM on the mainboard?

any help will be greatly appreciated

@Zabarich...thanks for taking the time to give us your experience. Could help a lot of newbies.

@godfist...if device manager doesn't show any problems with your PCI com card, then I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work. Are you sure that you are using a null modem cable & not a straight through serial cable?
thanks for your response Kremman, i purchased the following cable that states this is what its used for ...

RS232 Serial Null Modem Cable DB9 Female to DB9F RS | eBay
(apologies you have to copy and paste the link)

i am not sure i am exploring the idea of getting usb to rs232 and maybe using win xp os and see how it goes ...

the process seems simple to me as high lighted quite few times i think its just trying to get the correct setup and see that works...
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