So I had a lot of problems with getting my Bricked F5S box back alive. There are quite a lot of hoops to jump through.
First of all, I struggled to get a null modem working over USB. This took me hours to get right and lots of bad purchases. In the end I got a Plugable USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial Adapter (Prolific PL230HX Rev D Chipset) from
I struggled to get the drivers working. I thought I had to use prolific ones, but I eventually randomly tried the ch340 install and it appeared in device manager at last on COM3.
So cable TICK - next was the software. I tried the loader at the start of this thread and didn't have any success. I then used the one in this thread on later pages called erom_upgrade_8Mflash which was the one that finally worked.
My first problem was "Wrong file!". I struggled with this for hours and then found out that you have to download a firmware image and use that and not the eromclient.abs file as it seemed I have to at the start of this thread.
So I downloaded one from here and WOW it seemed to work, I pressed FINISH and I got L093 and then E001. I saw others had the same problem but I never saw it fixed, I did see other images which I tried but they failed.
So I went to skybox's own website and from there I found the latest firmware image and just used that. It worked. The box booted up.
Then I had no channels. This part was easy enough. I used a USB stick and followed the method stickied in this forum.
Bit of a journey and a real jigsaw to solve but I got there in the end.
Thanks to all contributors, in your own way, you all helped me solve the puzzle in the end.