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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 18 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

This is an alternative firmware upgrade for the skybox F5, if like me, running official firmware you get file mismatch error. You may find that this is the correct firmware for you box.

Thanks to HiTech
I use this firmware can settle loading problem but the cccam.cfg cant run
Had my F5s for a few days and all was well apart from having a 3 metre ethernet cable running across the room. Decided on moving the TV, box etc closer to the router. In order to do this I had to extend the coaxial cable. Did this but after plugging everything back in, I noticed no power to the F5s. Nothing, nadda.

Ordered the Serial RS232 Null modem Cable from flea bay and while I waited for delivery read through this entire thread (plus another huge thread regarding the same topic on another forum). Downloaded the relevant files ready to have a crack at this and feeling quite confident I could gt some life back into the box.

Cable was delivered yesterday and I set to task. Using my brother-in-laws old desktop everything set up, crack on.

After faffing with it for several hours. Trying all the methods mentioned through the 2 threads I'd digested, nothing! I didn't even get past the 'Please reset target!' phase.

Then I remembered a post that mentioned the light from the ethernet port. I thought if I plug the cable in and I get the flicker then I know for sure that there's power to the box. But no, yet again nothing.

And that, ladies and gents, is where I'm at.

I'm fairly confident the method described in this thread won't help my cause and that the problem is definately a power issue.

Does anyone have any alternative advice or is the box well and truly shot?

Sorry for the long post guys. I shall now have 10 minutes to rest my digits.
...I'm fairly confident the method described in this thread won't help my cause and that the problem is definately a power issue.

Does anyone have any alternative advice or is the box well and truly shot?...

The problem may be with the mains adapter.

Do you have another piece of equipment that uses 12V with a minimum of 2A with the same connector? If so, try that with your box. Nearly everything uses + to centre connector these days, but check this before using it on your box.

If you have an old unregulated multi-voltage adapter, don't be tempted to use that, as the voltage may be higher than what it says on the adapter.
I also have skybox f5s stuck o n load, don't know if its cloned or not

---------- Post Merged at 08:09 PM ----------

any help much appreciated
Hi, is there anywhere near manchester area that can do this for me anyone know of? would do it myself but dont have a cable or a desktop so would rather let someone else do it. Cheers for any help.
When to get stuff

Worked well for me. You need to download the correct file for your model from Choose Downloads then pick the model.

Download then select this file in the software when flashing as shown above. Null Modem Cable from Maplin or anywhere like that. No RS232? Get a USB to Serial converter.
Hoping this works, box only lasted a week and not really viable posting back to China.

Have the dim red light fault nothing else on display. I think it may have gotten too hot, seen reports they need good ventilation. If it works I'll get a laptop cooler and put it on that.

£2.15 for a null modem lead inc postage it's worth a shot anyway, already had a USB-serial converter.
Just got a F5, keeps rebooting randomly. Have tried updating using various firmware versions but keep getting mismatch error. I have software version M6_HD_27_03_2013_0794 on my box
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