Bloody hell wooshman, could you make it any easier... 20 mins and done (cheated slightly when found vlc will play the recordings I had) clean install with line added, had to use cam importer though... line wouldn't register via FTP
When you say remove, do you want to keep the original or just overwrite it?I want to remove my line and add a different one. Can anyone advise on how I can do this please?
Cheers,yes mate I've bought a new Zgemma and want to take the line off my old box and put it on new box.
Then I'm giving my old box to my dad and he is getting a new line.
Having huge problems with my ZGemma Star 2S box can't setup CCCam on it first time purchasing one of these boxes. I'm also faced with a software problem every time I click menu on the remote the box just shows a blue screen with a crash error and it restarts. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks very much
Trying to flash again. Get to step 4 and before the write file screen appears I'm
Getting error saying inflate error on the black command screen? Any ideas?
---------- Post Merged at 09:48 PM ----------
Can anyone recommend a 32gb usb stick to use for recordings please? I've had problems in the past and I don't want to purchase something that may or may not work.
Thanks in advance.
Hi agai a and thanks for the help really appreciate it. Do I just put my 3 servers lines into a USB simple as that and plug into back of of ZGemma box?
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