Thanks The Reaper,you said what a lot of people have wanted to say.All that anyone needs to know is in the thread /Read through the thread and the answers are there.Also when people ask for help and have managed to fix their boxes, an update would be welcome so that other people with similar problems can benefit from their experience.Everything you need to know and do including what you need is contained in this thread---do a little bit of reading and you will find a cure for your box or at least 99% of problems can be cured.
mine is failing to go beyound the first screen. still waiting to see the word "DONE" after 15mins. is it safe to cancel and start all over with an optional soaftware please?
meanwhile, am assuming the correct com port should be com1. right?
I bought a prolific USB to serial and still can't get past synchronizing STBs... please reset target!
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