Hi, got in touch with supplier and it turned out to be a firmware issue, downloadeded latest firmware and flashed box via USB. All good
Having same trouble as most. Using Lap top with ME installed because no serial port on my computer, so bought a converter to use on the computer with no luck at all. On the Lap Top with just the rs 232 cable I get past Synchronizing STBs then is comes up with serial port is failed. So not sure if it mite be the cable not Handshaking. Also the files there are 2 in the download and both say wrong file, eromclient.abs and eromclient_M3606.abs but my best result was with a file SKY_f3s_3601HD_CMT_1307040584.Abs, after about 10-15 minutes it said serial port is failed. Any suggestions welcome.
Thanks for looking.
hi purchased the rs232 cable one end has usb other has serial will this work for reflashing a f3 box or has the lead got to be serial both ends ? arhhh help
hi purchased the rs232 cable one end has usb other has serial will this work for reflashing a f3 box or has the lead got to be serial both ends ? arhhh help
This prob means you are trying to flash your box with the wrong FW try a different one .tried and tried using the files provided in this thread to reflash f3box but but when you run the software and press next it keeps saying wrong file can anyone help ?
This prob means you are trying to flash your box with the wrong FW try a different one .tried and tried using the files provided in this thread to reflash f3box but but when you run the software and press next it keeps saying wrong file can anyone help ?
firmware upgrade issue file mismatch error, I have seen this on many forums now and users are being told to flash their F5 boxes with a RS232 null modem cable which could render their boxes unusable.
I have down loaded this firmware (SKYBOX_F3_M3_F5_3601HD_CMT_130327079B) from 3 different sites and when I try to upgrade get, file mismatch.
I have found this site HDDVBSW.C** and downloaded their latest firmware (SKYBOX F5 _3601HD_CMT_130327) and had no issues with upgrading, it would seem that my F5 box could be a clone as original firmware does not work.
I would like this forum and others to recognize that there are 2 different firmware upgrades available.......thanks
try dumping the ram first -- then install firmware -- if u have a clone then it will say wrong file -- make sure u select the correct port -- use a serial cable works bestsomeone please help me im stressed right out, skybox f5 stuck on load on the display, gone through rs232 route and tried different firmware but everytime getting intialize stb sdram is failed tried allsorts please help........................ cheers.
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