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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 10 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

help!!!! ive been trying to get download for restarting f5 box. bought rs232 cable and tried following instructions for downloading files so far i think ive downloaded B1, winzip, winrar, ilivid, avg,and torch by following all sorts of leads. as you can tell by now i havent a clue what im doing or what any of these mean. every time i hit download it opens up at ilivid and ive been through this 4 times but if ive downloaded file i dont know how to find it.anyone brave enough to try and help???

---------- Post Merged at 10:28 PM ----------

update to above thread ive got as far as the last step and when i click next with box on erom upgrade box appears saying wrong file. could rs232 cable be an issue? the end didnt fit my laptop and i used an adaptor to usb
@mark doc:
I tried a USB to null adapter and it did not work.
You need to get a pc with this adapter on it.
Also if you go to the download section you should be able to get the latest firmware and channel list for your device.
This worked for me.
Hi, I h be never flashed a box before. My f3 box just loads and the does the same again.
Is the download at the start of this page all I need. I have a cline already
Hi, does anybody know where i can get a female rs 232 to usb connection?

Nearly all the USB to RS232 adapters I have seen have been male D type. This is because it's a male type D connector that's used on a pc with a dedicated RS232 port. You then use a female - female null modem cable with it.
Hi All, have a sky box f3 and when i tried updating the channel list something happened and now its stuck with LoAd on the screen and will do nothing else. I read other post and learned that i needed a rs232 cable so got one of the net and ready for some kind person to help me through the process of reflashing the box. :-)

---------- Post Merged at 06:14 PM ----------

Also folks please bear in mind when telling me i am totally green to this so please be patient and explain in lay-mans thanks
By reading through the forum i have got to the stage where i got the STB EROM upgrader downloaded and i tried to send the eromclient.abs file and whe i hit the next buttton it keeps saying 'wrong file'. Please please can someone shed some light on wht i may be doing wrong. :-)
hi can anyone point me to the skybox mismatch error file to revive my clone F5 please ive tried from the download section but it says no file thanks
Hi, everyone, sorry for my english. I´m new in this forum, and I have a Skybox F5 that gives me E001 while trying to load l93. I´m trying to update the firmware with an usb-rs232 cable + nullmodem cable with the software "Upgrade_PVR800_Tool", but I´m getting the "Set stb memory error" message. Anyone here knows something about it? Sorry if I posted it in wrong place, please tell me where to post doubts like this. Tomorrow I´ll get two more F5 that are with E001 problem too, and I´ll try to update the firmware on the devices to see if I get the same stb error message.

He intentado añadir el abs con éxito pero me sigue saliendo el error e001. He probado con los de la página oficial y tampoco consigue cargar. Alguna idea?

This is an English only forum. Please post accordingly.
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Hi im new on this forrum. im having a wrong file as well so guess its a clone

any help with the clone upgrade tool someone maybe can send me pm thanks
Hi im new on this forrum. im having a wrong file as well so guess its a clone

any help with the clone upgrade tool someone maybe can send me pm thanks

ok anyways no worries have sorted. I found because it said wrong file when using genuine upgrading tool and software my F5 is defo a clone.
so i used the other clone software found in this thread and worked a treat.
If u get a stb memory error -- try this

use the tool but dont select upgrade in operate mode instead use dump. after dumping to a location etc. then retry upgrade it worked for me. also i realised it late but the other box which i was getting the stb memory error
was a F5S lol

good luck peeps
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