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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 32 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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What's the app everyone is using on the iptv player for the films?
Struggling for links on cartoon hd and yify is hit and miss


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go to you tube and look for "top tutorials" - his kodi 16.2 build is absolutely magic and it's free
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question,but here goes anyway:-
I’ve just bought a Zgemma-Star 2S (from ebay). I’m lookingto install WooshBuild v3.03, but I’m stuck on STEP 7 where is says “Your Lineprovider either sent you your line details as plain text in an email or sentyou a file”. I don’t have a line provider, the box was just delivered throughthe post, no email or file was provided, what am I missing? I’m confused!!
Thanks for any help that can be provided.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question,but here goes anyway:-
I’ve just bought a Zgemma-Star 2S (from ebay). I’m lookingto install WooshBuild v3.03, but I’m stuck on STEP 7 where is says “Your Lineprovider either sent you your line details as plain text in an email or sentyou a file”. I don’t have a line provider, the box was just delivered throughthe post, no email or file was provided, what am I missing? I’m confused!!
Thanks for any help that can be provided.

You will only have access to FTA channels t present.
Ignore item 7 for the time being.

Request a line here for all of the normal scrambled channels.
looks like you did what i did and bought the zgemma from fleabay,it was cheaper option to get the line seperatelly other than with the box £68 instead of £120+,i had a nightmare trying to install my line and needed help from this brilliant forum and it.s members,now thanks to wooshmans new buildbase all you do is purchase a line which will come as a e-mail copy onto memory stick and install.enjoy
This is my first time using OpenATV (usually Vix) and I like it Wooshman! Just out of interest.. Why do you use AutoBouquetsE2 instead of AutoBouquetsMaker? I've removed BT HD as instructed, would AutoBouquetsE2 not remove this eventually? Cheers and thanks for the work!

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This is my first time using OpenATV (usually Vix) and I like it Wooshman! Just out of interest.. Why do you use AutoBouquetsE2 instead of AutoBouquetsMaker? I've removed BT HD as instructed, would AutoBouquetsE2 not remove this eventually? Cheers and thanks for the work!

Hi Ash

I use AB E2 as it gives the EPG channel numbers as standard without the need to alter any files. If the ABM channel number hack worked with OpenATV I would probably go back to ABM like the original WooshBuild used, but as it doesn't work, AB E2 will be used for the foreseeable future. WooshBuild tries to mimic Sly+ as closely as possible so needs the EPG channel numbers.

Yes AB E2 would eventually make the changes to the channel swaps but as you will have seen people want it done yesterday. WooshBuild v4 will remove the need for a user to edit any files due to a new plugin I have written meaning changes will be done by the press of a button and without the need for instructions time and time again.
Thanks for explaining mate. Great build and much smoother than my last setup.

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Hello All
Mr Woosh thanks for all your hard work.
I decided to try your build.
After running it for a few days now.This morning i installed media portal from the feeds.
All was good until i updated it and reboot. Now its in a loop,goes to 100 then start from 50.
Before all these i did an image back up mainly because of all my personalisation settings.
The problem here is trying to re-flash using the backup zgemma folder. The box stays on flash mode without booting.
Is this expected,or am i doing something wrong here.
It worked after starting fresh,using your base build again.

Last edited:
Hi Woosh
Thanks for the build and your hard work!
After using VIX for couple years now i made the switch to wooshbuild few months ago and i have been all through the menus and cannot seem to find a fix for the following:-
Using EPG buttom on remote brings up the listings on wooshbuild (example whats on and what next) - however on vix EPG button was the bouqet ie entertainment movies blah blah and the up or down button on the remote was actually the listings ie whats now and next. basicly they just seemed to of switched around and im so use to the other way? is there a fix to swap them back or ami going to have to get used to this new way?
also 1 more thing on my channels on the listings where i can switch sideways to movies entertainment sports blah blah i have this..
-- Entertainment / -- movies / -- sports ( for example) how do i get rid of the (--)??
Any help from any1 on here would be appreciated.
Hi Woosh
Thanks for the build and your hard work!
After using VIX for couple years now i made the switch to wooshbuild few months ago and i have been all through the menus and cannot seem to find a fix for the following:-
Using EPG buttom on remote brings up the listings on wooshbuild (example whats on and what next) - however on vix EPG button was the bouqet ie entertainment movies blah blah and the up or down button on the remote was actually the listings ie whats now and next. basicly they just seemed to of switched around and im so use to the other way? is there a fix to swap them back or ami going to have to get used to this new way?
also 1 more thing on my channels on the listings where i can switch sideways to movies entertainment sports blah blah i have this..
-- Entertainment / -- movies / -- sports ( for example) how do i get rid of the (--)??
Any help from any1 on here would be appreciated.

The -- is because you have changed the style withing AutoBouquet E2. You need to have style 5. As you have already changed them I will let you find where they are again to save me typing it out again.

There isn't a fix for the EPG as it isn't broken. When you press the Guide button on a sky+ remote, you see the channels and no the bouquets. The old Sky boxes showed that list first. There is a setting somewhere but I forget where it is to show bouquets first. It is there but you will have to look as I don't have the remote.
Still using and absolutely loving this build.

Quick question though. How do you add a second/backup line to the box? I see I have cam 1 and cam 2 listed. I'd really like to add another one onto the box.

Any help or pointers would really be appreciated.
Hello All
Mr Woosh thanks for all your hard work.
I decided to try your build.
After running it for a few days now.This morning i installed media portal from the feeds.
All was good until i updated it and reboot. Now its in a loop,goes to 100 then start from 50.
Before all these i did an image back up mainly because of all my personalisation settings.
The problem here is trying to re-flash using the backup zgemma folder. The box stays on flash mode without booting.
Is this expected,or am i doing something wrong here.
It worked after starting fresh,using your base build again.


It sounds like your backup is bad by the sounds of it, but are you pressing the front power button when the LED on the front says USB or renamed the file called noforce to force in the sh1 folder? I have never had a backup not work for me.

It sounds like your backup is bad by the sounds of it, but are you pressing the front power button when the LED on the front says USB or renamed the file called noforce to force in the sh1 folder? I have never had a backup not work for me.[/QUOTE]

The original backup had the noforce file. after a few tries and no joy i tried the force file from your base file . still the same.
Not sure if it makes any difference. but i did the backup with the USB in he front port and formated fat32.

Still using and absolutely loving this build.

Quick question though. How do you add a second/backup line to the box? I see I have cam 1 and cam 2 listed. I'd really like to add another one onto the box.

Any help or pointers would really be appreciated.

You simply add the second line below the first in your newcamd.list or cccam.cfg file and restart your cam :-)

---------- Post Merged at 08:18 PM ----------

It sounds like your backup is bad by the sounds of it, but are you pressing the front power button when the LED on the front says USB or renamed the file called noforce to force in the sh1 folder? I have never had a backup not work for me.

The original backup had the noforce file. after a few tries and no joy i tried the force file from your base file . still the same.
Not sure if it makes any difference. but i did the backup with the USB in he front port and formated fat32.


Did you delete the noforce file? You can just rename noforce to force, it is nothing special, just a file the box looks for on boot.

If WooshBuild flashes I would still say your backup is bad or you don't have the right file structure on your USB stick? I can only guess though, sorry.
I must add my thanks for this fantastic build. Just received my box today and its up and running in about an hour - Fully flashed and ready to go, thanks to your crystal clear instructions.

Could'nt have done it without you and the support from this forum.

Once again, many many thanks

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