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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 14 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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just a quickie wooshman , did the playback bit get sorted in the 3.1 as it never got mentioned again but dont want to reflash to try as i might lose timers again lol cheers.
May have found a slight bug, I tried using a boot logo and had to re-flash as it was stuck in a boot loop. Are boot logo's ok to use ??
Editing 'choose Bouquet' Menu?

Sorry, this must of been asked before, i've searched and messed and cant suss it.

In this build is there a way of editing this list? ie changing the order and also changing which Bouquets are displayed?


just a quickie wooshman , did the playback bit get sorted in the 3.1 as it never got mentioned again but don't want to reflash to try as i might lose timers again lol cheers.

V3.01 has, as far as feed backs goes, no issues at all. As long as you backup your settings before you updgrade you won't lose your timers as I have made a point of checking this. Not for you, but for me as my missus hates me losing them lol.

---------- Post Merged at 07:01 PM ----------

May have found a slight bug, I tried using a boot logo and had to re-flash as it was stuck in a boot loop. Are boot logo's ok to use ??

I presume you are using this program to add your image? If not use that. Also, if you backup your image before playing you can restore it withing about 3 minutes. It is still a re-flash but better than starting from scratch.
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xorionBootLogoMatik doesn't seem to work on mine. It says that it's sent the images but nothing changes. I found that if I manually copy them from the E2_logo folder and ftp them to \etc\enigma2 everything works fine.
Ran into a slight small problem but suspect maybe a user error.
I upgraded from build 1 but when i came to restore my setting it was saying nothing found. Anyone else experienced this?
Luckily didnt have that much to restore.
I had this the other day upgrading one of my clients boxes.

On your usb stick will be a backup folder which contains a "zip file" it is not a zip file but winrar will open it. In there are the folders and your settings. You can manually copy these via FTP to the location of the folder. I am working on an easy fix for this as I don't know why the later updated versions of OpenATV will not find the files.

Timers are in /etc/enigma2
You line details are in /usr/keys

Those are the two important ones. the rest are not important really.
Hi Woosh. I've just took the plunge and upgraded from v1 to v3.1. All has gone well apart from changing my region in autobouques e2. It won't give me a choice to even move it as it says in your instructions. I can do scan and that's it. Any help very much appreciated. Thanks

---------- Post Merged at 09:47 AM ----------

Hi Woosh. I've just took the plunge and upgraded from v1 to v3.1. All has gone well apart from changing my region in autobouques e2. It won't give me a choice to even move it as it says in your instructions. I can do scan and that's it. Any help much appreciated. Nevermind pal. Jumped the gun a bit there. Lol. Sorted now..
Hi Whoosh,

thank you you for the update worked like a charm - I have a couple of questions/suggestions if they are even possible.

A method to alert the user that there is an update available

and followg in from this a method to auto-update (perhaps be sensible to have an opt-in/opt-out option for this)
I did the Wooshman build 3.0 with no problems and all up and working. There is one question and yes i know i might sound parnicky but how so i change the Sky1 image ontop of all channels? Is it something to do with picon's ? Anybody help with this?
I did the Wooshman build 3.0 with no problems and all up and working. There is one question and yes i know i might sound parnicky but how so i change the Sky1 image ontop of all channels? Is it something to do with picon's ? Anybody help with this?

Press the green button to get menu up and then green button again for add download plugins.
Go to picons and press ok.
Scroll down until you find ...srp-full .400 x 240 light on transparent and click ok.
Let it load
It takes a while as there are @ 7000 to load !
I don't seem to have serp-full.400 rtc on the picons plugins. I have a list starting with Openatv-black13e..... and tv-west. Am i doing something wrong?
If you keep pressing the down button they are on the 5/6th screen ?
How many screens are you seeing ?

Have you loaded the latest basebuild version V3.01 and then flashed online to update ?
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