Hi, apologies been busy all weekend so not had a chance to look at this again really.Any update?
As per @dsayers2014 comment I changed the skin on my Grogbuild setup in order to see flash local/online image options. This only gave OPEN ATV options, nothing listed for Openvix. I then downloaded the Openvix 6.6 MMC zip latest release (not recovery) and FTP'd the zip to the box using FileZilla. I added the zip folder to media/HDD/images. On checking available flash options again I still didn't have the option for Openvix.
Not sure what else I can try other than flash by USB. Had a quick look the other day on Openvix webpage at the instructions for this, there were a couple of things I wasn't 100% sure of from memory so just stopped due to lack of spare time. If there are any other options/ways to get me up and running I'll give them a try. Cheers