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The IPTV Crackdown Continues: A Thread For Customers Not Resellers | Page 9 | Techkings
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The IPTV Crackdown Continues: A Thread For Customers Not Resellers

Cant wait for the Head of MI5 to be the next caught selling iptv subs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 These news articles seem to keep crawling up the food chain 🫣🫣🫣🫣
Quite a detailed article regarding his work, private life etc, seems a real good guy saving schools and doing good deeds and contributing to the community!
I would buy from him

I think from looking at the figures in the article it was a pretty large customer base he was selling to. Probably safer for resellers to keep it to sensible numbers and try to stay off the radar of the authorities.
Earned 450 grand
Paid 200 grand to his supplier
Approx 250 grand profit
Has to pay back 90 grand
Profit = 160K

It would have taken him over 3 years to make that headmastering.

12m minus 6m remission, minus 3m for good behaviour, he'll be out before the end of May
Yeah three months in prison is a walk in the park, might book a stretch just for rest and relaxation 🤣:tearsofjoy:🤣
It's a load of crud. 2000 customers and he got 12m, we're talking £millions here, not £thousands, if he hadn't been a headmaster it wouldn't have got 2 lines in the Doncaster gazette, if he was a window cleaner it wouldn't even have been reported, it's only made the press because the soppy 2@ lives in a 500k house and didn't even need the cash in the first place
Its a huge publicity stunt with certain users on social media been paid to scare monger about the knock on the door and plus they make sure that those video's go viral and hit your algorithms so it repeats itself enough times to make it think there's a 100,000 Sky Police with clipboards roaming around in balaclava's peering through your window seeing if your watching Ony Fools And Horses on DAVE or Ed China sorting an XR3i clutch.

IPTV is big business and in certain countries there's no law or if there is they don't give a flying f**k, as if the police are going around Ukraine at the moment server hunting.
There's lots of ways to get an overseas server without having to get it from the UK and use a good decent VPN.
They simply don't have the man power
As soon as one server goes about 50 more appear these huge set ups in Asia Eastern Europe and USA are everywere. The only thing they can do here is, when they arrest the guy from the boozer with 5000k on a panel is, chase some of the IP's he's logged and send them a letter.

They want you to live in fear and not just IPTV
Its a huge publicity stunt with certain users on social media been paid to scare monger about the knock on the door and plus they make sure that those video's go viral and hit your algorithms so it repeats itself enough times to make it think there's a 100,000 Sky Police with clipboards roaming around in balaclava's peering through your window seeing if your watching Ony Fools And Horses on DAVE or Ed China sorting an XR3i clutch.

IPTV is big business and in certain countries there's no law or if there is they don't give a flying f**k, as if the police are going around Ukraine at the moment server hunting.
There's lots of ways to get an overseas server without having to get it from the UK and use a good decent VPN.
They simply don't have the man power
As soon as one server goes about 50 more appear these huge set ups in Asia Eastern Europe and USA are everywere. The only thing they can do here is, when they arrest the guy from the boozer with 5000k on a panel is, chase some of the IP's he's logged and send them a letter.

They want you to live in fear and not just IPTV
He definitely was real and got a prison sentence! Difficult to believe which conspiracy theory!
look I'm not saying ppl dont get busted and jailed but believe you me, it aint, the end user watching Prem on a Sunday. When they do eventually arrest a big FB dealer (which takes months/years to do) and he advertises everywere with banners the press make sure its all over the shop and gladly remind you that "WERE COMING FOR YOU !!" end user that is, then they proceed to tell you about the door knocking bullsh*t and the fines. Name me one end user at home who has been sent to jail for it ?. If you keep getting bombarded enough with the threat it subliminally sinks in like the WW2 propaganda leaflets dropped from the planes.

If you want to stop drugs on the streets you dont arrest all the addicts
When you live on the same road as a drug dealer and everyone knows who he is, you have given the police all the information, his car numbers the fact he meets his clients around the corner from his house. The fact he has several lads dressed in black on black bikes dealing for him. One of the neighibours counted him leaving his house 20+ times on Saturday night to meet clients. All given to police - ignored, given to local council ignored, given to crimestoppers - ignored, been going on 18 months. Do you think the authorities give a F*** about moody Sky, No! Only Sky and its cohorts give a F*** about Sky.
From all the movies I have seen, when someone starts dealing drugs and goes on someone else's turf, the bigger drug dealer takes the smaller one out.

Same as Sky taking out the people who are treading on their turf by selling their product.
those on foreign soil who make millions and I mean millions, the big servers and we all know were they are basically are untouchable, they have the powers that be in their pockets. I was flabbergasted at how many huge servers there are. But rather than chase these they want you chase you or sh*t you up I should say. They have seriously no resources to cope with the size of it so they prefer the scare mongering propaganda that sh*ts up those who dont break the law but own a stick by saying we'll knock.

simple answer is;-

We believe you are watching Sky for free via a device ?
no I'm not
(door closes)
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