You need to download and install a plugin called virtual zap to have such features...Running this on my Zgemma h2s and it works like an absolute dream for me.
I have one question, is there any way of setting it up that when you press the ok button and it brings up the info on the channel your watching that you can go through each channel while the channel your watching stays on the screen if you get me?
It is a headache testing skins while the kids are at home. This half term holiday is driving me nutts...Any news on update or testing not going so good?
No mate. I dont mind. I also want to sort all issues before I post the Skin. There are things I have been playing around with thats delaying the upload.Yeah it's not good time is it for time for yourself with kids running about plus upload it when it's ready pal just asking for update on it as that good in demand sorry don't mean to pester
I dont think kiddac has skinned VirtualZap thats why you getting the default VZ infobar...FYI using openvix built 4.1010 and kiddac's slyk 1HD V3.008 on TM-Nano 2 Super
Had above set up. I then downloaded skyQ V1.3, virtural zap plugin, SkyQ preview and added picons to my HDD everything working as it should and I liked the Skin appearance. I was using left and right buttons on the virtual zap config. Last night I started using slyk 1HD again (menu/setup/system/userinterface/skin setup/slyk-1-hd) all tweaks I had made to slyk were still there (so I thought) but on pressing left and right buttons for the multi epg/single epg I get the virtual zap coming into play see the photo
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Again this post is for information purposess only
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