@morph1963 I gave that a go, but haven't been able to get the EPG scrolling working. If anyone else has got it working please post the skin.xml file. Thanks.Yeah, managed to find that myself, must give it a go at some stage.
I believe that SkyNEW skin is designed to work with OpenATV 6.2Im having issues with this skin on a zgemma h9s, after installing a fresh openvix image and then adding the skin I press EPg button the box crases and also when I press on the skynew plugin the box also crashes. Anyone else have this problem
SkyWB skin is based off the original SkyNEW skin which also has scrolling EPG. The scrolling EPG feature has just stopped working on version 2.003.I use skyWB looks exactly the same as skynew but epg works
Any solutions to this skin yet? Tried it. Installs and looks great but cant scroll epg tabs. When I try to go into plugin to change to alternative to make tabs work, I get blue screen error. This was even with a re-flash.
Hi @ChabsMorning guys,
I am working on this and will release a fix later today or tomorrow. got few thngs need sorting and will check the issue with the plugin.
Sorry about that.
Are you running the latest open atv as working on my box on open at 6.3 but they sky new skin isn't sky q skinHi @Chabs
Will you be fixing this skin? I for one would love to be able use the skyNew skin on my boxes again.. box crashes everytime I load the plugin or press either epg or left/right buttons on remote... Pleeaaasssee fix it mate I would be very grateful
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