Well this ended up going to ****.
Friday morning they changed the offer to £105 giftcard + £68 cashback and £26.50 a month.
Rang Voda and asked to cancel the order I placed, which they did no problem.
Placed a new order, but both tcb and giftcloud failed to track the order, left it over 24 hours but no confirmation came through, so rang Voda and asked to cancel again, which they did again.
Put an order in again this morning that went through (no confirmation again from giftcloud or tcb, but thought sod it, i'll just have to raise the claims later if it doesn't sort itself out), but this time I didn't get a confirmation email from Voda either, so had to ring them to ask what was happening, to be told that it didn't submit fully their end, even though it completed for me and therefore they will cancel the order so I could purchase it again.
This time however I failed the damn credit check, after several long (4+ hours in total) phone calls, it turns out their system creates a new account every time you try to place an order for a new contract and therefore I now have too many accounts, so credit check auto fails.
They offered to put it through manually, but couldn't give me anything that I was offered via tcb, so I would loose the £68 cashback + the £105 giftcard and ontop of that, I would have to pay £27.50 a month, so in total it would cost me £197 more for the same thing, so told them to forget it.
Unless some great deal turns up elsewhere in the next week or so, I guess I will be sticking with virmin for another 18 months then.