[h=2]Thanks for your response Reaper. l read the thread properly, followed d instruction from d 1st page, gone through all d 80 pages. Downloaded these upgrade tool and firmware & also tried some firmware from 2014.
V6 V7 V8 RS232 Upgrade Tools..
V6 V8 150730 Fixed Bug
V6 V8 150519 Fixed bug: xmltv download...
l have tried everything, several times but keep getting d same message.[/h]l imagine this could be something simple but am fresh to it. My Port is COM 4, tried settings to default. Bits Rate- 115200, Parity- Even, included Boothloader. All it ever does is display ''Synchronizing stbs, pls reset target''
Have also tried connecting to different power sources, same result. Completely baffled, would greatly appreciate any help on this, thanks.