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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable | Page 80 | Techkings
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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

what about it? Everything you need to know is contained within this thread.Follow the instructions and hopefully you will sort your box but there's no guarantee---it's a chance you take. You either take that chance or buy a new box.
Did you not read the full description before you purchased it. It is designed to have the usb end in your laptop and the serial end into the rear of the f3.Reaper.
So it will work for computer

---------- Post Merged at 10:19 PM ----------

I think

---------- Post Merged at 10:29 PM ----------

Will it
Can someone please help me cause am really frustrated right now, have been on this for over 1 week. l have a skybox V8 stuck on load on display. Got rs232 cable which l believe to be working. Followed d guide and downloaded several firmware as prescibed, set the COM Port to the right one and also adjust the reciever/transmit buffer in advance settings for the COM, but i cant still get passed the Synchronizing STBs... Every settings seems to be right but something seems not working for me.
Am using a toshiba laptop with windows 10.
Pls reset target. Have tried all sorts please help.....:beg:
You need to download the correct erom upgrade tool for the ali3511
Download correct firmware---latest
If using a pc then when you open erom upgrade tool leave com at com1 and leave other settings as default.
Connect the null modem cable to box and pc---open erom upgrade tool--add downloaded firmware file --tick bootloader and click next---plug in box to power and word "done" should appear in top right of panel--wait and download should start---follow onscreen instructions.

If using laptop then ensure correct cable---make certain drivers for cable installed ---locate correct com port from pc management and then follow as above.
[h=2]Thanks for your response Reaper. l read the thread properly, followed d instruction from d 1st page, gone through all d 80 pages. Downloaded these upgrade tool and firmware & also tried some firmware from 2014.
V6 V7 V8 RS232 Upgrade Tools..
V6 V8 150730 Fixed Bug
V6 V8 150519 Fixed bug: xmltv download...
l have tried everything, several times but keep getting d same message.[/h]l imagine this could be something simple but am fresh to it. My Port is COM 4, tried settings to default. Bits Rate- 115200, Parity- Even, included Boothloader. All it ever does is display ''Synchronizing stbs, pls reset target''

Have also tried connecting to different power sources, same result. Completely baffled, would greatly appreciate any help on this, thanks.
If the word done doesn't appear[and it should--even on dead boxes] then normally this indicates that your cable is not the correct one.
You need the RS232 null modem cable with prolific usb adapter found quite cheap on e-bay.
Your cable could just be a normal RS232 not the null type.
thanks so much for your correspondence, effort much appreciated. Can you recomend any1 that can help out around Manchester. Just went over the rules, guess i need to have 5 post to be able to post links.

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Thats the cable am using, bought for around £7. Pls can you recomend any1 around Manchester that can help me out, am totally frustrated whit my box. Thanks
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