
Could anybody please tell me what iv got to do to stop this issue, iv changed hdd's iv reloaded images iv swapped cables iv done everything I can think, this issue occurs every 30mins or so... It started on the V3 woosh build and its continuing to happen on v4 and it's driving me nuts, my last option was to add 2 folders which it said was missing and its just crashed again ... Help
How do i set the second info bar like the one it is set to in vix ? Thanks
Hi Wooshman
I have tried the first two steps with a hard drive set up to FAT32 format in both the rear and front USB, I have tried 3 different Hard drives and the box is not recognising them. The drives are working on my PC and light up when I plug into the box. Un til the box recognises them I cant initialise them any ideas? Really frustrating Thanks in advance
What happens when you run the cam importer please? You will get a message good or bad.cannot add the cam /new line tried eveyrting i can think of inc formatted stick used different stick etc ( on h1 )
The message says that
There are no cam files on usb
(Just to add when i went through the whole process my machine came on with C4 not Bbc1)
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