Updating your system software
The final step whenever you want to do it is to check for OpenATV updates. Over the air updates are safe to do with OpenATV and I do suggest you do them from time to time.
Blue button -> Software update -> Green button when list is populated.
Then when updated have been installed press OK button twice.
Thanks Wooshman - 48hrs as a Zgemma box owner and I'm all hooked up!!! The only odd bit came at the end. I er..copied everything out (hope that's not too nerdy but haha :) if it is)
"Your image is out of date!
After such a long time, there is a risk that your Zgemma Star 2S will not boot after online-update, or will show disfuntion in running image.
A new flash will increase the stability
An online update is done at your own risk!!
Do you still want to update?
<At this point I selected yes, but got the following message>
Done - Installed or upgraded 0 packages"
Any thoughts?
Press ok on your remote control to continue