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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 59 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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Massive thanks to you Wooshman on a cracking piece of firmware and a fantastic guide!

I have set up a number of enigma2 boxes using various firmwares, but would normally dedicate a whole weekend to get it running how I want.

45 minutes with your guide and I have a new zgemma h2s running perfect! Thanks again
How do you change the time the auto update takes place? What time is it defaulted to when installing this build?

Will the autoupdate take place if the box is in standby?
Green button/autobouquets/menu and scroll down to change the time which is set at 11.45 am.
It updates in standby as well.
How do you change the time the auto update takes place? What time is it defaulted to when installing this build?

Will the autoupdate take place if the box is in standby?

Yes it will update while the box is in standby. Warning - if you TV turns on when you press the button on the remote to turn the box on, you TV WILL wake up when it does a channel scan (AutoBouquet E2) either turn the TV down before you go to bed, disable HDMI CEC or set a time which isn't a problem. I have mine set for 07:45 and 07:55

How to set time for channel and EPG scans
great up and running....jst one problem.....after setting my region to roi and performing a scan....the chanel locations are still not right...any suggestions?
got so for with the wooshbuild, up to the part (flash online select an image) but there's no image to select......?

Without making you sound stupid check your net connection (do a network test from the system menu)!

I had this same issue and was stumped, turned out my network cable was loose otherwise it should find the image!
Have just set up a box. It took an awfully long time and then hung. Nothing appeared as per the instructions.

Turns out that the USB stick I was using was a cheap and nasty Chinese import which advertised itself as 8GB, but only seems to be able to store about 256MB on it - it'll let you write 8GB out, but just keeps overwriting the data.

Took me several days to work that out. No more discount USB sticks for me.

Managed to get the box back to normal and then went through the process with a new stick. Worked like a charm. Thankyou.

Thought others may appreciate the warning about dodgy sticks.

what the general rule here on switching your box off at bedtime ? and whats the pro/cons of keeping your box on 24/7
my wife is a safety ist fruitcake{lol} and there is no way the zgemma will be getting kept on or even on standby overnite with 2 young kids in the house..

just a quick update on this..
i switched on the zgemma H2S today after it had been switched off at the mains last night..
all data was saved on box and i didnt need to do a scan for channels,the EPG was also ok and the picons were still intact..
the only thing i had to do was restart the softcam:whacko:
7 days from now your EPG will be empty as it is only a 7 day EPG. But with your info you could say you will only have to scan once every 6 days. But you won't see program changes if there are any.

Also, things like Sky Movies Stars wars and the channels which change name from time to time won't update. Any frequency change will also be missed, but again this could be done once every 6 days.

Thanks for the feedback, it is always good to have so we can all learn :-)
Thanks cant wait to try tonight after work

Is it too early for the slap of the day award? Well if it is I will share the award.

Todays Slap of the Day goes to shoker_UK for posting in this thread before introducing himself.

Punishment as always is 100 lines.... "I must introduce myself properly before posting in WooshMan's thread"

Good luck with WooshBuild.
what the general rule here on switching your box off at bedtime ? and whats the pro/cons of keeping your box on 24/7
my wife is a safety ist fruitcake{lol} and there is no way the zgemma will be getting kept on or even on standby overnite with 2 young kids in the house..
Send here to the quacks for a checkup,are you a man or a mouse,i will get the cheese lol
A big thanks wooshman for the work you put in to building this software and providing easy to follow instructions, I installed it within an hour with no problems, it felt like an achievement.
A big thanks wooshman for the work you put in to building this software and providing easy to follow instructions, I installed it within an hour with no problems, it felt like an achievement.

Good stuff, I am hoping the next release will be quicker and simpler than it is now to install but I can't promise. I do know though that now you have v3.03 installed, the next update will just require 3 steps.
Back up settings
restore settings

Takes about 10 mins max.
H whoosh a quick suggestion if I may, when you make your next post for the new build could you add an FAQ at the bottom for the common questions/problems or links to where they have been answered previously.

such as how to change out HDD's (took me an hour and a bit to read all the posts till i found the answer I started at page 54 as i thought i read it recently turns out it was page 4 I think :()

how to adjust bouquets and crossepg times etc.

thank you!
H whoosh a quick suggestion if I may, when you make your next post for the new build could you add an FAQ at the bottom for the common questions/problems or links to where they have been answered previously.

such as how to change out HDD's (took me an hour and a bit to read all the posts till i found the answer I started at page 54 as i thought i read it recently turns out it was page 4 I think :()

how to adjust bouquets and crossepg times etc.

thank you!

Sod that, I am getting the thread locked so there won't be any questions :-)

Yes, this is already in hand, the most frequent questions will already be answered to try and reduce the number of pages the thread receives and the number of repeat questions. Also repeat questions that have been answered or are already in the FAQ's will be removed, again to keep the thread post count down.
Just wanted to let you know what a cracking build mate, great instructions and easy to set up straight from the box even for a newbie like myself
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