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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 17 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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Just wanted to say thank you for your build and your tut, first time ever using a zgemma box (came up from an f5s) and with your build and detailed tut i got it set up and running perfectly without any problems:hurray: THANK YOU!
Snowman....... Are you implying that I could be wrong? How very dare you....... :willy nilly: - but you could be right lol.

I am never wrong! I thought I was once but I wasn't !

Let me have a play as I wonder if although you have deleted them, they just get re-added which will be rubbish if so.

Leave it with me.... I have the remote hehehehe
Snowman....... Are you implying that I could be wrong? How very dare you....... :willy nilly: - but you could be right lol.

I am never wrong! I thought I was once but I wasn't !

Let me have a play as I wonder if although you have deleted them, they just get re-added which will be rubbish if so.

Leave it with me.... I have the remote hehehehe

Ha ha!! Never pal. I think I may have found the answer. Looking closer at the point where you answer yes or no there is actually another yes underneath the no, can't remember what it actually says as I too now have lost the remote to the misess. Think it says something like Yes. Delete from this session or something like that!!
Got my box this afternoon. Got all excited about setting up. Then duly fell at the second hurdle. USB stick wouldn't initialise, got to 99/100 then some sort of time out error! Not to be outfoxed by technology I swapped USB sticks and everything went swimmingly from thereon. Lots of experimenting to do now with regard to Kodi and IPTV. A busy weekend ahead!

Thanks to Wooshman et al for your painstaking and relentless hard work!
Thanks very much Woosh, set up and running in no time! Excellent guide, appreciate all the hard work and continuing support 👍
Big thanks to Wooshman for doing this. Took me just over one hour and a bit of common sense.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Wooshy got to say for the 2S this is your best yet. Only niggly problem that has been highlighted that MUTV HD has disappeared but other than that runs as smoothly as sweet apple pie (don't ask me where I got that from) ;) and had to run the line info thing from my computer to get my line working as the auto USB thing didn't play ball but all going smoothly ;)
Hi whooshman love your work .sorry about this but I seem to install the picon pack ok. they show up on the epg but they then disappear over night .
Wooshy got to say for the 2S this is your best yet. Only niggly problem that has been highlighted that MUTV HD has disappeared but other than that runs as smoothly as sweet apple pie (don't ask me where I got that from) ;) and had to run the line info thing from my computer to get my line working as the auto USB thing didn't play ball but all going smoothly ;)
MUTV HD is still there you just have to locate it,while watching Mutv press TV and then then red button for all,you'll now see Mutv HD,press menu and you can add to sports bouquet!

---------- Post Merged at 11:48 AM ----------

Updated to your latest build last night,great stuff again lads..nice touch Wooshman with the online flash..Alot handier..Bravo to all
Wooshy got to say for the 2S this is your best yet. Only niggly problem that has been highlighted that MUTV HD has disappeared but other than that runs as smoothly as sweet apple pie (don't ask me where I got that from) ;) and had to run the line info thing from my computer to get my line working as the auto USB thing didn't play ball but all going smoothly ;)
MUTV HD is still there you just have to locate it,while watching Mutv press TV and then then red button for all,you'll now see Mutv HD,press menu and you can add to sports bouquet!

---------- Post Merged at 11:48 AM ----------

Updated to your latest build last night,great stuff again lads..nice touch Wooshman with the online flash..Alot handier..Bravo to all 

Some people might say removing MUTV is an upgrade :willy nilly:
Wooshy got to say for the 2S this is your best yet. Only niggly problem that has been highlighted that MUTV HD has disappeared but other than that runs as smoothly as sweet apple pie (don't ask me where I got that from) ;) and had to run the line info thing from my computer to get my line working as the auto USB thing didn't play ball but all going smoothly ;)
MUTV HD is still there you just have to locate it,while watching Mutv press TV and then then red button for all,you'll now see Mutv HD,press menu and you can add to sports bouquet!

---------- Post Merged at 11:48 AM ----------

Updated to your latest build last night,great stuff again lads..nice touch Wooshman with the online flash..Alot handier..Bravo to all 

Some people might say removing MUTV is an upgrade :willy nilly:
Hey! Very saucy
Mine is stuck on wooshbuild,, I can't get it off, does anyone know how to get it off.
It was all working fine then when I turned it off and back on its now stuck, I've tried epg downloader and that doesn't even download,
I'm looking to do this without flashing it again if possible
Mine is stuck on wooshbuild,, I can't get it off, does anyone know how to get it off.
It was all working fine then when I turned it off and back on its now stuck, I've tried epg downloader and that doesn't even download,
I'm looking to do this without flashing it again if possible

What do you mean by stuck ?
Can you do anything with it ?
Do you have a backup/settings on the HDD ?]
I f you have then just reflash the nightly build and restore the settings ?
When I turn the box on its just the wooshbuild logo,, it won't come off,
I have tried restarting the line,
The cross epg downloader doesn't run,
I've don't the auto bouquets
But the picture is still stuck on wooshbuild,
I can't reflash as the box is in Scotland and I am 200 miles away,,
Is there anything I can suggest to do
Has the box been turned off to standby and then powered down using rear switch ?
If not then try that to see if it boots and restarts ?
If it boots up but still with logo then try menu/favs to see if any response on screen
I've just got a pop up about timeshift asking if I want to delete or leave,now stupid me never took much notice but I'm sure it was saying the hdd was full but I've not recorded out
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