Monkey snr
I’m not sure, I’ll set it up in slot one and message my provider if it changes and go from there.
Nothing to do with willobuild but XE seems to be more than a problem for a lot of users even not getting updated to new python versions..I’m not sure, I’ll set it up in slot one and message my provider if it changes and go from there.
I have tried XE twice over a few years but just in trial period ,It's fine to overwrite Slot 1. I don't know about xe, I've never used it. Can you use another app with an Xe line?
Thanks for quick replyHave you got storage mounted as /media/hdd and permissions set as R/W?
If so, just try running the script again.
Posted in the correct thread this time makes all the difference.hi ive just reflashed my box setup boquetmakeretreme got all the channels but no epg any ideas?
Go into EPG importer plug-in select sources I think its the yellow button it will say at the bottom. Tick your provider then yellow to download EPG make sure you have a USB or harddrive mounted in the box and store data in there.what settings in epg importer do i need to enable? many thanks
you press blue button then select your iptv provider and as @Willo3092 said then select uk/sky or what ever country suits, And you also have to select where to store EPG.dat file in main epg system settings.what settings in epg importer do i need to enable? many thanks
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