VIP Member
Ok try terminal
opkg update && opkg --force-reinstall --force-overwrite install /tmp/*.ipk
opkg update && opkg --force-reinstall --force-overwrite install /tmp/*.ipk
The Skin also includes Chabs Skins plugin which enable easy switch between 4 different versions:
Default Version (3 Event names Infobar)
Sky Alternative (2 Event in Infobar with Picon)
Default Version with EPG Tabs (3 Event names Infobar)
Sky Alternative with EPG Tabs (2 Event in Infobar with Picon)
Hi do you have a link to download the skyNEW package for dreamplex please?Hey chabs I deleted an old sky skin of yours that I had installed for the dream Plex skin (v3.00 sky.new) and the dreamplex skin no longer works.
I tried to reinstall it but it won't install from the ipk saying the skin is already installed.
I deleted the folder from usr/share/enigma2 but it the ipk installer seems to think it's still there
Hi chabs.It should mate...
Hi do you have a link to download the skyNEW package for dreamplex please?
Hi Guys
just updated my image on zgemma h7s from openatv 6.0 to 6.2
I installed 2.03 for skin , now my tabs on epg dont work . and the epg looks
different than before I like it
many help would be greatful . also tried to install plugin 1.03 with no luck
When i go to chabs skins on plugins, i get the blue screen, then the box reboots, any idea why that is?You need to go plugins, Chabs Skins then choose the version of the tabs you want by pressing the right or left buttons on your remote.
Sky has changed their Graphic User Interface. So the look has changed from the previous versions...You can see the images on Post #1 unless you havent set the settings on your epg sceen which shows the default EPG screen..
You need to go plugins, Chabs Skins then choose the version of the tabs you want by pressing the right or left buttons on your remote.
Sky has changed their Graphic User Interface. So the look has changed from the previous versions...You can see the images on Post #1 unless you havent set the settings on your epg sceen which shows the default EPG screen..
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