After this post, we are done with picons nazodoop - the problem is the picons have names bbc1, bbc2 etc, but your provider MAY have named his channel "iptv - bbc1" therefore the picture and channel name dont match.I'm getting Picons on one of my two providers, is it possible to get the other provider working with picons ?
Install the permaclock plugin from extensions. Something changed in newer versions of openATV which changed how the clock displayed on third party skins.I seem to be having an issue with chabs skins on my H7c whenever i install them the clock will not display on the front of my receiver has anyone else got this issue ? is there a fix? i am running wooshbuild infinity and openatv 6.2 thanks in advance
It has been posted in this this thread many times that @Chabs needs to update this skin so the tabs at the top move.
For some reason I can't see where to update it via the Chabs Skins Plugin.
Can't see an option?
Yes mate...I 4got 2 change that...I will sort that and a small issue in v2.003.Chabs...install plugin states v2.002 but info about page states it's v2.001 ?
chabs ive tried time and time a gain to install your skynew v2.002 but it wont install any ideas why not?how im doing it is menu dloadable skins go to skynew press ok and it wont install tried to ftp it but dont understand how you do it that way
opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
Try the talnet method you should be able to use terminal on openwebif.
Code:opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
Just tried this and got...
Refusing to load file '/tmp/enigma2-plugin-skins-skynew_V2.002_Chababu_all.ipk' as it matche
s the installed version of enigma2-plugin-skins-skynew (V2.002).
Unknown package '/tmp/enigma2-plugin-skins-skynew_V2.002_Chababu_all.ipk'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package /tmp/enigma2-plugin-skins-skynew_V2.002_Chaba
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