Hi, no there is no separate download for WooshBuild v3.01 as like you say it is available only as a online flash.
To make a backup
Red button -> Complete Backup and HDD (this will create a zgemma folder on the usb stick).
You then will need to copy it from there to another USB and restore that in the second box, or plug in the stick you backed up to in the second box and restore. Then change the usb.
Yes, you can install whatever you like. WooshBuild is just a pre-configured setup. Something anyone can do with a little bit of reading.
To make a backup
Red button -> Complete Backup and HDD (this will create a zgemma folder on the usb stick).
You then will need to copy it from there to another USB and restore that in the second box, or plug in the stick you backed up to in the second box and restore. Then change the usb.
Yes, you can install whatever you like. WooshBuild is just a pre-configured setup. Something anyone can do with a little bit of reading.