Hi Whoosh, just a bit of feedback for you.
When i finished flashing and went to restore my settings, it told me it couldn't find them. This was down to having a USB in the front and a HDD in the back.. It backed them up to one, but was looking for it on another.. I'm not sure if the mount points changed but i think that was the cause.
Also, the default cam is set to MGCAMD, rather than CCCAM. Easy to fix but thought you might want to mention it.
Other than that, it all went great. Thanks for a great image!
I will look into the restore settings and see if I can do anything.
I am just in the process of changing the EPG location to USB and will change the default cam to none. I will then update the online flash image
Thanks for the feedback as always.
In theory, because you backed your settings up to your existing USB device (hdd I presume) they should have been on there. Did you have the USB in the front for a reason?