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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 29 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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Could Someone please give me some info on backing everything up. I have installed the Wooshbuild which is fantastic by the way! Was originally using MT pockets, but this build sounded really good although I would just like some guidance on doing a full back up for it which includes my settings, line etc. I have never done any kind of back up before, but thought that i really should do as it would save me time if it all decides to go belly up! Also how do you restore from your back up? Any help would be really apreciated.
Hi wooshman.

Quick question on H2H build, is this coming soon or will it be a long wait? Just trying to establish whether I should start my own build on H2H box from scratch.
Hi wooshman.

Quick question on H2H build, is this coming soon or will it be a long wait? Just trying to establish whether I should start my own build on H2H box from scratch.

The H2H is part of the H2S thread. Additional H2H instructions are posted at the bottom.

---------- Post Merged at 09:14 PM ----------

Could Someone please give me some info on backing everything up. I have installed the Wooshbuild which is fantastic by the way! Was originally using MT pockets, but this build sounded really good although I would just like some guidance on doing a full back up for it which includes my settings, line etc. I have never done any kind of back up before, but thought that i really should do as it would save me time if it all decides to go belly up! Also how do you restore from your back up? Any help would be really apreciated.

Blue button -> Complete backup -> Red button

Can you explain in a bit more detail how to get the 'line' installed, I seem to be having the problem you refer to 'mgcamds rather than cccams'
I have changed the setting to cccams but it still won't work. If I try to reinstall the line it reverts back to mgcamds???
Thanks Wooshman for this great build My Dad is 93 and never used a box or a PC in his life. He finds it so easy to use and the EPG so simple {thanks Kiddac}
The H2H is part of the H2S thread. Additional H2H instructions are posted at the bottom.

I didn't know H2S images are compatible with H2H - thanks I'll check it out!

Same box I think with a different second tuner. But you can build an H2H image in the H2S, the only downside is the H2H will say it is a H2S.

---------- Post Merged at 10:34 PM ----------

Can you explain in a bit more detail how to get the 'line' installed, I seem to be having the problem you refer to 'mgcamds rather than cccams'
I have changed the setting to cccams but it still won't work. If I try to reinstall the line it reverts back to mgcamds???

The first post tells you in great detail how to install your line, newcamd.list or cccam.cfg

Still stuck? If you line details didn't come in a file, ask them to supply it in one.

---------- Post Merged at 10:35 PM ----------

Thanks Wooshman for this great build My Dad is 93 and never used a box or a PC in his life. He finds it so easy to use and the EPG so simple {thanks Kiddac}

Say hello to your dad for me, he is a top man :-)
Can I still ftp the line with the wooshbuild. As I'm using both usb ports at the moment one for memory stick other for wifi attenna.

Sent from my G7-L01 using Tapatalk
Amazing job Wooshman and the guys have done with this build! Just updated to the latest build, very easy, IF YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. Also flashed the build on to a Zgemma H.2S, again very easy, IF YOU FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!
Thanks again, you guys rock! 👍
Can I still ftp the line with the wooshbuild. As I'm using both usb ports at the moment one for memory stick other for wifi attenna.

Sent from my G7-L01 using Tapatalk

You can but why? 10 second job. Pull the dongle, chuck in USB, import cam, put dongle back in.
Hi all!
Wee problem. 101 is bbc2 hd Scotland (scottish east) and 102 is bbc1 hd Scotand (scotland east) in my EPG. I know i can make a custom swap file, but what do i write in it???
Thanks for the help in advance, sorry to be a pain to the already overworked Wooshman!
Hi all!
Wee problem. 101 is bbc2 hd Scotland (scottish east) and 102 is bbc1 hd Scotand (scotland east) in my EPG. I know i can make a custom swap file, but what do i write in it???
Thanks for the help in advance, sorry to be a pain to the already overworked Wooshman!
Dont worry about over worked mr wooshman as he loves it
Can I still ftp the line with the wooshbuild. As I'm using both usb ports at the moment one for memory stick other for wifi attenna.

Sent from my G7-L01 using Tapatalk

You can but why? 10 second job. Pull the dongle, chuck in USB, import cam, put dongle back in.
Great all worked a treat... I was just confused if needed network connecting while importing and activating. But all worked after plugging in dongle again

Sent from my G7-L01 using Tapatalk
Hey guys, I'm kinda looking for an expert here, I'm pretty good with networking, ftp, vpn ect but this has got me very stumped.. I'm currently running latest wooshbuild image but for some reason I cannot add or remove plugins, anyway that's a different matter, what I'm writing for is to ask if anybody knows the user and password for this build on FileZilla , I know the IP address is correct as I can stream the box menu from the IP address but I cannot log in with any combination of user/pass I have tried, can anybody suggest anything that may help please.. Or if they are successful logging in on a Zgemma h2s with FileZilla using root/blank like wooshman says.. Cheers guys really appreciate it... Ps anybody having any issues with iptv, works flawlessly unless I leav it on ie fall asleep watching a film, it crashes the box and requires me to have to do a whole flash again
Hi all!
Wee problem. 101 is bbc2 hd Scotland (scottish east) and 102 is bbc1 hd Scotand (scotland east) in my EPG. I know i can make a custom swap file, but what do i write in it???
Thanks for the help in advance, sorry to be a pain to the already overworked Wooshman!

Good Evening madam, all you need to put in file is

Name on card
long card number
start date and end date
and the last three digits on the security strip on the back.

If you then send me a PM with the above, I will check them over before telling you what to do next.

Sorry, wrong forum, thought I was Windows support for a second as your windows computer is reporting very much errors on our server

Here you go: How to swap your channels around like a pro

---------- Post Merged at 09:07 PM ----------

Or if they are successful logging in on a Zgemma h2s with FileZilla using root/blank like wooshman says

It is not what I say, that is the username and password for the default FTP server on the box. Is now and always has been. It sounds to me like you are suffering network issues somewhere along the line.

Also, removing plugins and ftp in the same sentence.... is that just a sentence or are you trying to remove plugins using FP? It sounds to me like whatever is happening with your box is really not right. WooshBuild is nothing special and very little is modded apart from being able to flash from the WooshBuild Server and a locked CrossEPG plugin to stop it breaking.
Lol I think we got a few wires crossed there... Ok so my main issue is not being able to ftp to my box. My IP address is confirmed through the box in network settings but combination for user root/empty doesn't work...

all im trying to do is add picons, after reading your previous link it says remove certain plugin then add another certain 1, thing is it crashes trying to remove them ,and says *no New plugins found* if I try add any.. So I figured I would do it old skool and try zapping them over. But seems I cannot do either

so what I asked is if somebody could just pop on FileZilla and confirm wether it was just me (with network issues) or there maybe a bigger picture to it all

thanks peeps

as for channel swap I'm not sure why that was added lol I know how to do all of that,
So when you press your green button to "Download plugins" its says none found.

Try doing an update and see if the same thing happens. Blue button -> Software update

If you cannot connect to ftp using root as the username and leaving the password box empty I think it is network issues. Can you ping the box from your computer?

Filezilla works fine with these boxes.
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