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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 14 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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press green then autoboquets maker then menu. then make your choice.

selected roi makes no difference , this version of autobouqets seems different to one on vix , there is no clear bouqets, providers etc on seperate menu can the older version be put back ?
great build!! one small problem im having is when i turn the box off and on again, i have to manually restart the network to clear the channels. When the network is going i save the settings but once i restart box there gone again. Anyone?
You can just install autobouqets maker from plugin downloader but you ll prob need to delete e2 and crossepg, and install xmltv importer for epg, cause autobouqets maker and crossepg dont like each other.
great build!! one small problem im having is when i turn the box off and on again, i have to manually restart the network to clear the channels. When the network is going i save the settings but once i restart box there gone again. Anyone?

Not one I have come across before. Does IPTV player work before you restart the network? If not it is a network thing, if it does are you using N: or CWS = ? Can you swap them from cccam.cfg to newcamd.list and vice versa?
NO ip address before network restart, no flashing light on back of box before restart and iptv player not running before restart. works perfect after restart, prob something small and stupid on my side lol.
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NO ip address before network restart, no flashing light on back of box before restart and iptv player not running before restart. works perfect after restart, prob something small and stupid on my side lol.

It does sound network / network adapter more than anything. Are you set up for DHCP and not static? Switch if set to static and see if any changes. Maybe a post in the zgemma-uk section in case they can shed some light. It isn't a build issue though I don't think.
Yeah i tried changing to static but no luck. I ll try a reflash and see if that cures it. Thanks for the help and keep up the fine work.
Hi Wooshman
can you advise on this please
am suffering the same problem with ROI autobouquets E2. No matter what I try I can not get the Irish stations to group at the top of the Entertainment bouquet as they did in ABM in my previous vix image.

You can just install autobouqets maker from plugin downloader but you ll prob need to delete e2 and crossepg, and install xmltv importer for epg, cause autobouqets maker and crossepg dont like each other.

Thanks monstermash. That seems to have worked a treat and the Irish stations are at the top of the entertainment bouquet again, using ABM. Now I can enjoy this build fully. I hope you get your IP issues sorted.
Hi Wooshman
can you advise on this please
am suffering the same problem with ROI autobouquets E2. No matter what I try I can not get the Irish stations to group at the top of the Entertainment bouquet as they did in ABM in my previous vix image.


You can always swap to ABM :-)

Originally Posted by monstermash

You can just install autobouqets maker from plugin downloader but you ll prob need to delete e2 and crossepg, and install xmltv importer for epg, cause autobouqets maker and crossepg dont like each other.

If you (a general you) are going to do this, expect your box to crash once when you first remove AutoBouquet E2 and install ABM. This has happened to me every time. It is nothing to worry about though it just happens.
BBC2 - Alba

The settings below are for England. BBC decided it would be funny to have different channel numbers for the four regions of the UK. Here are the settings for England.

Because I am nice and for all users with BBC2 - Alba issues do the following.

Create a new file on your computer called: custom_swap.txt
and paste the following into it:

# requires a unix compatible editor like NotePad++
# #
# AutoBouquets E2 - custom service swap manager #
# #
# service data can be found in autobouquets.csv #
# #

# Based on SD region numbers in England
# Other nations must edit numbers to match their ones.
# Number for BBC One HD and BBC Two HD are different across the four nations

#swap local SD with HD.


#bbc four


#AMC from BT HD

#BT Sports/ESPN

#Racing UK


#premier HD


#TV Record

#Daystar HD

################################################## ###

Now save the file

Then using whatever method you want (FTP, Dream Explorer via USB stick, computer network) open the following location


and replace the existing file. Then do a full NIT scan using AutoBouquet E2.

This thread is not to tell you how to do it so please don't ask.
Has anybody else experienced freezing/jumping picture when recording? I've tried a couple of USB sticks but the problem still persists


Hi Great build excellent well done . I have just one problem is there anyway i can group the ROI channels i set my location to ROI is there any solution to this thank you in advance

Hi Great build excellent well done . I have just one problem is there anyway i can group the ROI channels i set my location to ROI is there any solution to this thank you in advance


You can move them.

Press the TV button, then press the menu button and you will see a menu popup. From there you will able to work out how to move them to where you want them.
Good afternoon one and all,

I don't have any support to add at this stage as I'm a new member but just wanted to say hello and congratulate everyone on the site for offering such an outstanding level of support to guys like me and thank people in advance for their hard work and efforts.

Really looking forward to trying this on my Zgemma tonight.

There's plenty of advice in these threads so I'm hoping to succeed without bothering anyone.
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