Hi folks,
All of a sudden, a few weeks ago my box (H2S) started being very laggy on menus. EG when I click "OK" when watching TV to bring up the Channel info it can lag a while before it comes up, usually showing the Sky icon in the top left corner. If I press the standby button on the remote it can lag for a minute before it goes into standby.
This can happen when I go into any of the menu's or screens etc, it can just freeze for a few seconds. It doesn't do it constantly, just every few menu options etc.
My box never used to do this, I'm convinced this has only happened since either updating to WB v6, installing XtreamTV plugin or installing software updates on the box, but I can't pin point it so I've no idea which?
I suppose it could be the external Hard Drive, which has always been fine previously. It's a Toshiba Canvio 1TB. I'd try wiping it and setting it back up but I don't want to lose my recordings and I'm not sure what else I'd need to set up on the HD if I wiped it.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Well after unplugging my External Hard Drive I'm pretty certain it's that which is causing the lag on my box when going into menus and navigating around etc. No idea why it's started as the box and Hard Drive have been fine until recently.
What options do I have? Presume I will need to initialise the Hard Drive which will sadly mean I'll lose our recordings, unless I can copy them to another pen Drive etc with Dream Explorer first?
Once the Hard Drive has been initialised what do I need to do to set it back up? Obviously add my line (for what it's worth these days) with USB Cam Importer. Do I need to set up a swap file? If so how do I do it?
Think I just need to wipe the Hard Drive and set it back up again, hopefully!