Hope that does the trick
Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk
Hold down blue button
Select option 4 cache flush
Press nlue to clear cache
Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk
Tried this, the cache flush screen shows that I have 2048kb Uncached Memory, 305MB Memory, 91.98% Used & 8.02% free. Sadly pressing the blue "clear now" option is only freeing less than 1% and then it's going back up again when I go back into it. Is that normal? Thanks.
Another thing that I have found to be processor hungry is Timeshift, if you don't use it, then disable it within its own named menu.
Tried this, the cache flush screen shows that I have 2048kb Uncached Memory, 305MB Memory, 91.98% Used & 8.02% free. Sadly pressing the blue "clear now" option is only freeing less than 1% and then it's going back up again when I go back into it. Is that normal? Thanks.
They are put on the usb device so they don't take up box space but the standard picons are installed to the box as people seemed to struggle adding them manually in past versions. You can remove them and thn re-add them, when doing so it will ask where you want to put them, chose the USB device.
Thanks, are they under Remove Plugins > Picons? (there seems to be lots in there), or are they in the WB Plugins section?
It's ok, I've found and removed the picons and re installed them to the external Hard Drive. I'll see how it goes. It doesn't seem to have freed up much memory though sadly. Not sure what's hogging it.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/j2jlocty5qhqx95/WooshBuild-Latest-h2s5.3.zip?dl=1I was running Wooshbuild 4.02, I wanted to update to V5 but when I have looked for it I can only get V6 which seems to date from before V5. I have updated to V6 now but prefer the interface of V5 on my mate's box. Is V5 available anywhere I acan not find it?
Apologies for anything stupid in my post I am newbie -ish.
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