just ran script to install and no option to choose Xtrend , been removed?
This script should boot the box into partition 4Hi guys sorry to bother anyone but I am stuck on 49% on my H7C Openvix willobuild 6.6 after willobuild update, it seems that I have got FTP connection (FTP manager) on my iPhone to root is there any way that I can boot on different partition via command or anything.
Thanks in advance
init 4
cd /boot
I've asked the question but they have no idea why it's not appearing in the list.6.7 ? New update mine still only shows 6.6 r13. Any way any joy on Xtrend
Not much of a response to help I see
openvix.co.uk is offline as well as feeds etc ,thanks for confirming ,will check it out later on ,and will wait until get stable version of vix 6.7 before trying a update but as know always best with with a multi boot box loaded with a back up image ,saves lot of swearing and taking a hammer to your boxThe ViX site is showing as updating
View attachment 116333
I don't think it normally takes the site offline though.
My updater plugin updates the vix feeds. It is hanging because they're offline.
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