Longer you steep.the betterI buy my own sweetener and flavourings, I made a 500ml batch on Saturday and tried it yesterday, it needed more flavour and more sweetener so I added both, blitzed it for 5 mins with blender and am waiting for it to settle, probably be tomorrow as it's still cloudy.
will report back;)
Am exactly the same 3mg 80/20 as you say nicer flavour in mouthpabloescaban you will feel the difference i did after 12 weeks i started 0n 18mg 50%vg 50%pg then went down to 12mg 50%vg 50%pg now 0n 3mg 80%vg 20%pg i like 80/20 as it is sweeter
you need to steep it for two weeks you dont need to add nic while it is steeping
I get where your coming from with vaping and been safe for people my late father in law had to stop smoking due to tuma on lung he went onto an e cig went to see specialist told him he was on an e cig according to what the specialist told him it puts fluid in your lungssorry,
it obviously didnt come across the way intended,
I have no problem with vaping, or smoking, I know smoking is bad for me, but some folks would have you believe vaping is totally safe,
not just asbestos Ive been exposed too, loads of toxic chemicals and gases too,
the monetary issue doesnt come into it for me, circa <£500 year, I should stop smoking, I should stop drinking too,
I'd hazard my liver will go long before my lungs anyway if its through self-infliction,
now, whos gonna invent the alcoholic water? ;)
True that's what I was thinking I've just started back on e cig on 18mg I'm using bakewell tart flavour it minuite got 3 liquids for £10 I wanted to buy one of those big ones but shopkeeper said was no good at minuite to stick with the starter oneyeah but you have fluid in your lungs all the time, that's why your breath comes out like steam on a December morning :)
Good luck BazTrue that's what I was thinking I've just started back on e cig on 18mg I'm using bakewell tart flavour it minuite got 3 liquids for £10 I wanted to buy one of those big ones but shopkeeper said was no good at minuite to stick with the starter one
Thats what happend before with me was still having fags inbetween I was talking to @pabloescaban about it other day and money I could save if I did stop I would be a lot better off financially if you get what I mean we only allow smoking in house at back door due to medical conditions with one of my kids at the moment all good lolGood luck Baz
I just like not having to go outside lol ( never smoked in house) and there's the fact my chest feels clearer than ever.
18mg on a mod (big one) will blow your chest of although the started didn't do it for me and I went back to the cigs.
I paid £18 for mine i stopped with mine as I was still smoking fags aswell but since I've started back on e cig I havnt had a full fag yet just a couple of dragsboth me and the wife smoke, [although shes more on ecig now]
and we've never allowed smoking in the house, not even ecigs, its still chemicals that I'd rather not have my kids exposed to,
plus the fact, in general, I find the smell is usually offensive, as bad as a normal cig tbh,
but, then again, i find the smell of chemical air fresheners offensive too, its just too concentrated.
we dont smoke in the car either, whether the kids are in it or not, the smell would still be there,
although, to my fault, I do smoke in my van, but the kids are 'never' in that, except on a very rare occasion.
so, are you guys saying these 'starter' ecig pen things are no good?
thats what my missus has, cost about 30 odd quid , I think, so not a poundland 9.99 one
Used it to relax me when quitting cannabis still got the relaxed affect just not the high which was good... My vape shop sold it but I think the goverment was adding regulations to that as it was hid under the counter (I got funny looks in about 4 others I asked in).. not sure of your reasons for wanting to use cbd oil but it's great for a number of medical issues.. as can cannabis oilAny one using cbd oil? Just wondering what to look for when purchasing. Also looking a half decent but not to expensive vape..complete newb here.
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