It's proof Canello is worried. He doesn't like the thought of been hit n run for 12 rounds. First it was announced a 24ft ring was to be used which is on the smaller side as you can legally go up to 32ft.
Then, Canello announces it will be a 22ft ring which Saunders again agrees to only to hear days later they want a 20ft ring.
Canello comes out with a narsasitic remark that he doesn't mind what size the ring is.
Well if that's the case use a 26ft ring. Again, why the F are they allowed to determine important detail like this ?.
This should be in the contract when signed along with gloves used ring entrances etc.
Reminds me of Fury and Klitchko when they added foam to the ring floor to stop him moving and bouncing on his toes.
I've said it all along, he got a schooling off Mayweather and he might not like the thought of another in a big ring jabbed at range then move.
Can't say I'm a fan of the dwarf but it I were Saunders I would fly back home and put 2 fingers up to the midget.
Stuff the money, I wouldn't fight anyone with one arm tied behind my back especially when you have an unblemished record