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The IPTV Crackdown Continues: A Thread For Customers Not Resellers

From that first link....
Sky is also actively working to remove listings and social media posts selling illegal IPTV subscriptions and ‘loaded’ Firesticks in the UK and Ireland with over 3,000 taken down.

I suspect the people that are on the authorities radar are the people advertising on open public platforms, whether that's Facebook, Twitter or having their own website promoting the service. I understand the need to draw in customers, but if you were selling drugs would you walk up and down the street shouting that you were selling drugs?

The police are massively overstretched and underfunded. Our prisons are so full that the Labour government are going to release prisoners that have served 40% of their sentence. I find it hard to believe they would lock up someone selling IPTV services. We have gangs of youths stealing phones, cycles and e-bikes with pretty much a zero conviction rate. Stealing someone's personal property is not a victimless crime. Stealing subscription TV from a massive billion dollar media conglomerate is. I understand that there will be people selling IPTV that are part of organised crime groups, but as I said, this in itself is a victimless crime.

Who is funding the police to investigate the ever growing IPTV scandal? The media companies that are losing revenue? You've got to be joking! The public are funding this. I would much rather the budgets for pursuing the IPTV crooks were re-directed to fixing the problems we have with society that are victim based crimes. I have sympathy with individuals that have personal items stolen. I have zero sympathy for greedy corporations losing revenue, which only increases profits for shareholders.
From that first link....

I suspect the people that are on the authorities radar are the people advertising on open public platforms, whether that's Facebook, Twitter or having their own website promoting the service. I understand the need to draw in customers, but if you were selling drugs would you walk up and down the street shouting that you were selling drugs?

The police are massively overstretched and underfunded. Our prisons are so full that the Labour government are going to release prisoners that have served 40% of their sentence. I find it hard to believe they would lock up someone selling IPTV services. We have gangs of youths stealing phones, cycles and e-bikes with pretty much a zero conviction rate. Stealing someone's personal property is not a victimless crime. Stealing subscription TV from a massive billion dollar media conglomerate is. I understand that there will be people selling IPTV that are part of organised crime groups, but as I said, this in itself is a victimless crime.

Who is funding the police to investigate the ever growing IPTV scandal? The media companies that are losing revenue? You've got to be joking! The public are funding this. I would much rather the budgets for pursuing the IPTV crooks were re-directed to fixing the problems we have with society that are victim based crimes. I have sympathy with individuals that have personal items stolen. I have zero sympathy for greedy corporations losing revenue, which only increases profits for shareholders.
The police have to get the their conviction rate numbers up somehow.
Easier to just sit on computers and track down numpties that advertise iptv on social media or any other crimes that some brag about committing and incriminate themselves in someway.

When they are out on the streets I think they are really not making any impact in terms of catching real criminals.
Also there is so little of them about nowadays.
Most of the time they don’t even attend incidents like theft as they don’t seem interested in the common people who have personal possessions stolen.
They just give you crime a number for your insurer if you have one.

They want crimes they can sensationalise in the press, IPTV being one of them or a cannabis farm they found due to the fact that it was probably a member of the public that tipped them off.
If it’s a hate crime they are straight out and will attend but theft is not important to them.

As for real criminals the people that finance organised crime are rarely caught because they’re never directly linked to it.
The middle men do the time and are just replaced with someone else to do the work.
The one that does my head in.

Nonces and rapists getting less time or getting off completely.

No one asked to be raped...

People use drugs and stuff as an escape from this stupid reality called life which can be shit at times.

Sell IPTV and they throw the book at you.

Be a nonce and that's all good don't do it again attitude.

And there is plenty were I live who are repeat offenders and still get away with it

Christ they even house them near schools
As I have said on a number of occasions the 'crackdown' is propoganda no more, no less. Its the cheapest and most cost effective form of deterent as truth is not a requirement. Back to reality a home grown example is the TV Licence Enforcement, a private company contracted by the BBC, they use every trick in the book to coerce and cajole 'Joe Public' into buying a licence by bombarding them with threatening letters that have no substance.
Does anyone think for one moment the police in this country would place any importance on IPTV when they rarely visit burglaries , assaults, and shoplifting, no they wouldnt. Dont forget the UK Police, police by consent meaning they try and target the crimes the public want detecting. Nobody I know has any sympathy with SKY! So my advice is dont be taken in by this rubbish.
No one in their right mind believes Sky’s motives for this are “to keep consumers safe, we don’t want you giving your personal details to criminals”

**** off sky, and **** off Matt Hibbert. If I wanted to give my money to criminals I’d send it to Murdoch by paying a subscription to you.

No one in their right mind believes Sky’s motives for this are “to keep consumers safe, we don’t want you giving your personal details to criminals”

**** off sky, and **** off Matt Hibbert. If I wanted to give my money to criminals I’d send it to Murdoch by paying a subscription to you.

Whats murdoch got to do with sky?
Whats murdoch got to do with sky?
Okay I’m a few years late considering he sold them, but my overall point is sky are a bunch of wrong uns.

It would refreshing for them to come out and say why they’re so concerned about this. It’s affecting their bottom line. No one believes all this other shit.
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Okay I’m a few years late considering he sold them, but my overall point is sky are a bunch of wrong uns.

It would refreshing for them to come out and say why they’re so concerned about this. It’s affecting their bottom line. No one believes all this other shit.
I don’t think companies like to publicly admit they are losing money but they don’t need to say it because it’s obvious.
Have a look at the cost of a sky package and tell me they’re not crooks too
That's the price, if you don't like it dont call them thieves just don't use. Same applies to Asda M&S Waitrose, you don't steal their products cause you say they are too expensive or do you?
No one makes you view it it's not a necessity?
I'm not on a high horse here as I view cs , but I don't call the providers thieves then steal their goods to justify it, a bit hypocritical imo.
If I didn't view via cs or biss I would never pay as I'm not that bothered, some can't live without it but not willing to pay.
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That's the price, if you don't like it dont call them thieves just don't use. Same applies to Asda M&S Waitrose, you don't steal their products cause you say they are too expensive or do you?
No one makes you view it it's not a necessity?
I'm not on a high horse here as I view cs , but I don't call the providers thieves then steal their goods to justify it, a bit hypocritical imo.
If I didn't view via cs or biss I would never pay as I'm not that bothered, some can't live very without it.
And the award for sky employee of the month goes to….

If they charged more reasonable prices, I’d actually have no problem paying. I’ve only just left them as a matter of fact. But when they try and nickel and dime you on everything, on top of the already expensive prices, that’s taken the piss. 27 quid a month just for sports if you don’t want a contract. On top of their standard package that’s nearly 30. Want it in HD? That’ll be another 6. Want to skip ads? Another fiver please.

On top of that (and this is a premier league issue as appose to sky) why should those in this country be stuck with the small selection of games that sky/bt/amazon decide to pick up, whereas the rest of the world can watch the 3pm kick offs etc?

Sky/bt/virgin have been gouging out the eyes of customers for years, their CPI + 3.9% price rises are a perfect example. It’s utter greed and it’s about time people started to hit them where it hurt.
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