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The IPTV Crackdown Continues: A Thread For Customers Not Resellers | Page 15 | Techkings
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The IPTV Crackdown Continues: A Thread For Customers Not Resellers

It's a bit of a kick in the scrotum if he's a seller here, which he is, and he's shutdown one server and hundreds have lost their subs, which they have, but he continues selling here via PM, which he is.
I didn't expect this to be the case.
If it's the same server I was paying £20 for 12m , used same supplier all the way back to CS days , myself and most of my family now have black screens , but the cash saved makes up for some black screens and a bit on inconvenience , I hope there all ok , we all know the risks but there always going to try taking out the main suppliers , will it make me go to sly the answer is no.
Are ppl just guessing what's happened to this supplier or does anyone know for sure, if he is supplying again you would expect at least some discount for previous customers as good will gesture.
Up to now it's all Chinese whispers and cloak and dagger type of thing but I've a feeling there could be several resellers involved for the same service. Prices from 20 to 50 quid etc
It's a bit of a kick in the scrotum if he's a seller here, which he is, and he's shutdown one server and hundreds have lost their subs, which they have, but he continues selling here via PM, which he is.
If that's the case he deserves everything he gets
Just had a few PM requests from providers via the iptv thread , now I know you can't name him in public , but would like to know if I have received a pm from the seller. Any body share via DM.

If he is still selling under a different username then those who know who he is should report it to the mods here rather than sharing it by dm, they'll sort it out.
Ive heard a couple of things one from the providers end user and another thing from another member on here.
To what I know the discord is still active and an identical post on this thread has been posted on the discord group.
Voice of reason again simple common sense 👍

Its really simple Baz anyone with issues speak to admin

They are well aware of what is happening.
This thread has been brought back from the death as I mistakenly deleted it after rushing to attempt to tidy it up.

Following my fk.up I instructed our server to revert the forum to a backup, and that's why you can see it again. Minus the missing info.

Continue where you left off. My apologies for the downtime.
Good job getting forum back on so fast no need for apology at all .
i'm certain nothing has changed since and very likely wont in regards to that IPTV server being offline .
it was cut off at the head so to speak and many others fall down and wont be getting back up ,
once the new Vega OS is rolled out by Amazon i'd say Firesticks are finished with anyways .

Back to the tried and trusted Sat TV was never a problem and never will be a problem 👍
From some of the replies some have had an email saying they are trying to restore the service. If that's from reseller etc changing providers I'm not sure.

Maybe try a month from the request thread giving time for the provider to sort if not by then you may have found an alternative.
Good job getting forum back on so fast no need for apology at all .
i'm certain nothing has changed since and very likely wont in regards to that IPTV server being offline .
it was cut off at the head so to speak and many others fall down and wont be getting back up ,
once the new Vega OS is rolled out by Amazon i'd say Firesticks are finished with anyways .

Back to the tried and trusted Sat TV was never a problem and never will be a problem 👍
I think thete is a problem with reliability with the new sat boxes but apparently sat is avaliable in sd on all channels

From some of the replies some have had an email saying they are trying to restore the service. If that's from reseller etc changing providers I'm not sure.

Maybe try a month from elsewhere giving time for the provider to sort if not by then you may have found an alternative.
I mean really if he was charging £20 and you got 3 months nothing to moan sbout really
I mean really if he was charging £20 and you got 3 months nothing to moan sbout really
Yes at that price definitely even if not and they have had the service for multiple years they have saved loads. Hence trying a month elsewhere if the provider sorts it happy days even a possibility of having a backup. If not then if they are happy with the month from somewhere else then they are sorted.

Some seem to be stuck waiting for sake of £10 or whatever a new provider may change for a month to see what happens
Lol look he’s gone fair enough we move on but lets not be making a hero from the ending. He was in it to make money and he did, but he was a cheat at the end and a ripper and thats his legacy.
Unless I hear otherwise.
Im giving my family and friends who lost out free subs. Im no hero but I have morals
Listen the last ones are always the ones who lose out when someone closes, this man is a fecking legend in this commuinty, and he never put the price up once, so this rubbish about cheat and rip off you can go and do one. look at the new prices in this game and guess what they can leave a week after, in this game if you get a month you've got ur moneys worth any thing after that is a plus.
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