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The IPTV Crackdown Continues: A Thread For Customers Not Resellers | Page 14 | Techkings
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The IPTV Crackdown Continues: A Thread For Customers Not Resellers

Sorry for all those who didn't have their subscriptions honoured but fair play to the guy for charging £25 a year for standard iptv and vod, very few iptv resellers around with the respect not to overcharge their customers for run of the mill services these days.
I get the impression we aren't all talking about the same provider, Mine was double that for the year, still cheap enough tho. I know we can't post on open forum the provider email , he never had a name just an email address. Cheers.
I get the impression we aren't all talking about the same provider, Mine was double that for the year, still cheap enough tho. I know we can't post on open forum the provider email , he never had a name just an email address. Cheers.

Will be the same, gave some reseller rates or whatever when asked. Brilliant over the years just don't get the last minute push for bitcoin. Someone earlier said they paid recently with PayPal. On Monday I was sent a bitcoin wallet address as the only way to extend a sub! Someone on messages said the same asked for Bitcoin recently lol.
Will be the same, gave some reseller rates or whatever when asked. Brilliant over the years just don't get the last minute push for bitcoin. Someone earlier said they paid recently with PayPal. On Monday I was sent a bitcoin wallet address as the only way to extend a sub! Someone on messages said the same asked for Bitcoin recently lol.
Think that may have been me that mentioned PayPal, I've always paid via PayPal, myself and some friends all paid last Thursday /Friday, I did in the past ask for discounts but he said no, he did have a multi room which was 1 full price 2,3 or 4 were half price, he then took that away and a friend of mine had 3 mags, but thankfully he was due for renewal later this month.
Even with the fella taking new year subs at the end, if he was selling at £25 for a year. Most providers average 3 month sub is around £20 so I wouldn't be too disheartened. Sometimes in this game even the good suppliers are susceptible to abandoning ship but I'm sure he had his reasons and something he probably didn't do lightly considering how long he's been doing it
Even with the fella taking new year subs at the end, if he was selling at £25 for a year. Most providers average 3 month sub is around £20 so I wouldn't be too disheartened. Sometimes in this game even the good suppliers are susceptible to abandoning ship but I'm sure he had his reasons and something he probably didn't do lightly considering how long he's been doing it
80% of his lot got 10 years some a lot longer this is very rare in this game. Authorities came calling what do you expect anyone would do.
Lol look he’s gone fair enough we move on but lets not be making a hero from the ending. He was in it to make money and he did, but he was a cheat at the end and a ripper and thats his legacy.
Unless I hear otherwise.
Im giving my family and friends who lost out free subs. Im no hero but I have morals
80% of his lot got 10 years some a lot longer this is very rare in this game. Authorities came calling what do you expect anyone would do.
How do you know this? How come the shut down came a good bit after the end.
We are all entitled to our opinions doesn’t make a blind bit of difference to the situation
I wish you all well and good fortune 👍😊
Lol look he’s gone fair enough we move on but lets not be making a hero from the ending. He was in it to make money and he did, but he was a cheat at the end and a ripper and thats his legacy.
Unless I hear otherwise.
Im giving my family and friends who lost out free subs. Im no hero but I have morals

Have to agree somewhat, strange that he moved to crypto payments at the very end before everything went off - makes it look suspiciously like he knew he wouldn't be around long and wanted a payment method that was impossible to get back. Whilst he sold cheap subs to many he's not the "Robin Hood" some on here would paint him as. I think it's also worth pointing out that a lot of families are a bit strapped for cash and to pay out for another sub so soon after they've bought one isn't possible so they've been left high and dry without iptv.
Hardly likely the authorities smashed the doors in. On Monday I received bitcoin wallet details from his newer email. That's the issue, sure we've had a good run but it's a sharkpit and the ending shows why, pretty calculated scum bag trick that. Anyone defending the end is just coping really
From what I understand it was end of December the payment method got changed to crypto, so could have just been trying to move that direction legit without planning on this happening.
That's fair enough if that's the case but a few have said paid via PayPal recently still? Just didn't add up to me, first new email and then asking for Bitcoin could of been hacked so wouldn't go there.
It could be possible that he received a letter from fact, tried to change his email, where he receives his payments from etc to make it look like he's stopped to them. But then got a knock at the door after doing the different measures and realised the game is up and needs to stop or he would be prosecuted. Its also harsh to call someone names who has by the sounds of it helped for 10 years and ran quite a decent service. £25 was a bargain, but time to move on, plenty more servers out there 👍
It could be possible that he received a letter from fact, tried to change his email, where he receives his payments from etc to make it look like he's stopped to them. But then got a knock at the door after doing the different measures and realised the game is up and needs to stop or he would be prosecuted. Its also harsh to call someone names who has by the sounds of it helped for 10 years and ran quite a decent service. £25 was a bargain, but time to move on, plenty more servers out there 👍
It's a bit of a kick in the scrotum if he's a seller here, which he is, and he's shutdown one server and hundreds have lost their subs, which they have, but he continues selling here via PM, which he is.
It could be possible that he received a letter from fact, tried to change his email, where he receives his payments from etc to make it look like he's stopped to them. But then got a knock at the door after doing the different measures and realised the game is up and needs to stop or he would be prosecuted. Its also harsh to call someone names who has by the sounds of it helped for 10 years and ran quite a decent service. £25 was a bargain, but time to move on, plenty more servers out there 👍
Hypocripts. I am 99 percent normally but come on 10 years
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